Cold Sores: 5 Home Remedies

The sooner we treat cold sores, the faster it will go away. Discover here five natural home remedies that will help you cure herpes.

Cold sore is an unpredictable and troublesome problem. Fortunately, it doesn’t pose any serious risk to our health, but no one appreciates being seen with this kind of lip injury. Not to mention the need to use ointments that worsen its appearance …

In addition, there are also many prejudices as to its origin. In fact, it is a virus that we never get rid of. This does not mean that we will continuously suffer from cold sores – we can even have the virus without showing any symptoms.

But if the symptoms occur once, they will occur more than once in our lifetime. Triggers can be:

  • the stress
  • a decrease in defenses
  • sudden changes in temperature
  • fever

Normally, it is advisable to apply chemical lotions on the affected area. However, we can also enjoy the benefits of some home remedies.

1. Garlic, an effective treatment for cold sores

Cloves of garlic

This might sound strange to you: the antibiotic, invigorating and antiviral power of garlic is impressive.

  • Rub a little garlic on the bulb. Don’t worry if it burns a bit at first, it doesn’t last long.

2. Milk

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. As we said above, a bad diet can be the cause of its appearance.

Lysine and arginine are essential amino acids that can be absorbed through food. Lysine tends to prevent cold sores, while arginine feeds the virus and allows it to reactivate.

Milk is rich in lysine, which is why it is very effective both in relieving and preventing the onset of cold sores.

  • To enjoy the benefits of milk, all you have to do is moisten a cotton ball with  milk and pass it over the affected area.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel  helps dry and heal the wound.

To achieve the desired effect, we have two options.

  • You can find Aloe vera gel for sale at a herbalist’s store and apply it with a cotton ball.
  • If you have the plant at home, cut a leaf to extract the gel which you will then apply to the affected area.

4. Sea salt

This method is a little more laborious but very effective. As you know, salt is an exceptional healing agent, which is why its usefulness is not at all negligible.

  • Put a pinch of salt on the tip of your wet finger.
  • Place your finger on the ulcer for a few minutes.
  • Dampen a cotton ball with hot water and salt, then apply it to the lips for a few minutes.
  • Repeat the process.

5. Vitamins C and E

Combining good nutrition with the previous solutions is the best decision.

To speed up our recovery and strengthen the immune system,  we need to increase the intake of:

  • broccoli
  • Kiwi
  • orange
  • lawyer

Likewise, in specialized stores you can find pure vitamin E that you can apply directly to the lip.

With these simple tips, treating cold sores will be a less aggressive process for your body. In addition, you will no longer have to wait until you can go to the pharmacy to start treatment.

When you notice the first symptoms, you will be able to remedy them: you probably have almost all of the above ingredients in your home.

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