Common Mistakes When Using Cloth Masks

In recent weeks, the use of cloth masks has been recommended to the population as a measure to delay the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) . However, a lot of people make mistakes when using them. Discover them!

Entities like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization have warned that some people make mistakes using the cloth masks. While these items appear to be helping to slow the spread of COVID-19, their misuse is detrimental to their usefulness.

In recent days, everyone has been advised to use these masks, especially when traveling essential to public places, such as a grocery store or pharmacy. Although they are not enough to prevent infection, they are believed to help prevent the spread of the virus in case an asymptomatic person does not know they are a carrier.

However, as the aforementioned entities point out, it is essential to know how to use them and, most importantly, to avoid mistakes that could reduce their effectiveness. How to recognize them? Here we want to break down the most common ones so that everyone starts avoiding them now.

Mistakes when using cloth masks

Cloth masks can be made of different materials such as anti-flow or cotton fabrics. However, the latter fabric is the most recommended, as it is generally not harsh on the skin and attaches well to the face. In any case, whatever the material, the most important thing is to avoid making mistakes when using fabric masks.

1. Thinking they are suitable for everyone

A common misconception about using sheet masks is that they are suitable for everyone, without exception. Well, in one of their recent posts, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that there are times when it is best to avoid these protections. Especially among:

  • Children under 2 years old
  • People with respiratory problems
  • Patients in an unconscious state
  • People who are disabled or who for some reason cannot remove their mask without assistance

How to make your own fabric masks?

2. Believe that they offer medical protection

While the evidence is inconclusive and the issue is still debated, it is suggested that wearing a sheet mask could help reduce the spread of COVID-19, especially considering that there are people who have no symptoms and continue to live their normal lives

Despite this, ECDCs and other health authorities point out that their use is an insufficient measure to prevent infection and, furthermore, that it is not correct to think that they offer the same protection as a surgical mask. or N95 breathing, reserved for healthcare personnel.

3. Stop washing hands and reduce social distance

It is precisely because these masks are insufficient to prevent infection that it is necessary to maintain measures such as constant hand washing and social distancing. It is a mistake to think that the simple fact of using this element already protects without more.

Keeping your hands clean remains one of the main preventive measures. In addition, it is convenient to keep a distance of at least 2 meters from other people when in an environment such as a supermarket, pharmacy, or the like.

4. Cover only the mouth

This is arguably one of the most common mistakes when using cloth masks. We see how people, perhaps for comfort, only cover their mouths and expose their noses. This is not how it works!

It is essential to protect the airways as much as possible. Therefore, at all times, cloth masks or medical masks should cover the nose and mouth. Remember, these are the main routes of transmission for COVID-19.

In the street, it is important to wear masks to protect yourself from the coronavirus

5. Do not wash the cloth masks after use

Although it is not necessary to throw away the sheet masks, it is essential to wash them thoroughly after each use. Even if they appear clean to the naked eye, it is a mistake to use them several times in a row without washing them first.

ECDCs emphasize that it is enough to put them in a washing machine cycle and they are ready for a new use. Of course, they can also be hand washed with soap and water. The best part about these masks is that washing does not warp them, so they are more durable.

6. Do not wash your hands before and after using the masks

Although we have already stated that it is important to wash your hands constantly, it should be noted that hand hygiene should be repeated before and after touching the mask. Remember that this item is not free from containing pathogens, as are the hands, so hygiene is essential.

When not in use, masks should ideally be kept in a clean bag, preferably resealable, or in a clean, breathable container.

Mistakes When Using Cloth Masks: What Should Be Done?

Making mistakes when using cloth masks reduces their effectiveness as a preventive measure against COVID-19. Therefore, if we commit them, it is better to fix them as soon as possible.

In addition, we cannot ignore other prevention habits, such as washing our hands well, maintaining social distancing and respecting confinement.

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