Delicious Baked Chicken With Orange And Rosemary

Baked chicken with orange and rosemary is a different and delicious way to consume this meat so nutritious and not get bored with always the same preparations.

It’s time to start a new line of mixes and expand your recipes a bit. However, a problem always arises in a recipe having chicken as its main protagonist. After long hours of preparation, cooking and endless steps, the result is the same: it still tastes the same.

To make it easier for you, today we present a recipe for making delicious baked chicken with orange and rosemary.

However, with this recipe, we hope that the above does not happen to you. The preparation is very simple and, in  addition, you can always vary.  You can try including a little spice or marinating the meat before cooking it.

It all depends on your desire for innovation and your creativity  when preparing the chicken cooked with orange and rosemary. Perhaps you also have doubts about this last plant?

It is traditionally used in meats, pasta and pizzas, but also in stews, and of course with chicken. Rosemary provides a delicious flavor and seasoning.

Find out how to make this recipe. In addition, you can even vary with garlic and curry to give even more contrast and bring your palate to experience new sensations.

How to prepare baked chicken with orange and rosemary

Why should you use this method for cooking chicken?

Although nothing is obvious, let alone the customs of each individual or the richness of the cuisine of each place,  expanding recipes  is extremely important. Not only because it gives you new knowledge, but because you acquire creative techniques for making new dishes.

This is the case today,  we are going to show it to you with the baked chicken with orange and rosemary.  Combining citrus oranges with a salty marinade and the refreshing, aromatic touch of rosemary, in principle, might be seen as a risky decision.

However, in reality, without knowing it consciously,  you are consuming important calories necessary for the body  in a single meal. This, not to mention the other elements, such as vitamin C and the medicinal effects of rosemary.


Therefore, this recipe is worth at least for you to stop for a bit and think about its benefits. Not only do you have to consider the variety, but also the quality of the meals you eat.


  • 2 whole skinless chickens (about 2 kg)
  • 3 large onions
  • 4 garlic cloves without skin
  • 2 ½ cups of orange juice (640 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of ground rosemary  (45 g)
  • ¾ glass of olive oil (150 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of salt (45 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of ground black pepper (45 g)



For this preparation of the chicken cooked with orange and rosemary, you will devote yourself more to the sauce.

  1. First, cut the onions into cubes of about 2 centimeters each.
  2. If you have a cutting board that marks the measurements, this will be even more convenient. Then  just make sure your onions are the right size.
  3. Then do the same with the garlic and add everything in a medium bowl with the oil, a little grated orange peel, black pepper and rosemary.
  4. Mix everything and let stand.
  5. Then you will cover the surface of each chicken with the mixture to season it. Pay attention to the details. The idea is that you try to cover both chickens as well as possible.
  6. Then you need to put it  in the freezer for 40-60 minutes . This will make the sauce adhere better.
  7. When this time is up, remove from the freezer and, if you prefer, readjust the seasoning of the dish.
  8. Finally, preheat the oven to 180 ° C and place each chicken on a baking  sheet for 30 minutes.  Then remove them, turn them over and cook for another 30 minutes.
  9. When you notice that the chicken has browned well, let it cool down a bit and you can start to eat your delicious preparation.

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