Delicious Country Bread Recipe

If you want to bake delicious country bread at home, below we will give you some tips and other information on its nutritional value.

Bread is, without a doubt, one of the most ancient foods. It is a food that has been accompanying humans for thousands of years.

Over time, its preparation has improved and it becomes more and more simple, regardless of the type of bread you want to prepare, such as country bread.

Obviously there are many country bread recipes, depending on the tradition of the region or individual preferences.

However, the country bread recipe that we are going to offer you below will serve as a basis to introduce you to other similar preparations.


Before giving you in detail the ingredients and the preparation of country bread, we will briefly remind you of the components, nutrients and contributions of this food.

When it comes to bread, you have to know what it really is, what it is made of. Usually, it is made from wheat flour, yeast, salt and water. These are the basic ingredients for its realization and then being able to put it in the oven.

You should know that there are many myths surrounding bread. The most popular belief about bread is that it only provides carbohydrates and makes you fat.

While the carbohydrate composition in the chemical composition of wheat flour is undeniable, it does not necessarily mean that it is negative and counterproductive for the body.

In fact, carbohydrates are also necessary (to a greater or lesser extent depending on our metabolism) for the proper functioning of the body in general.

On the other hand, ultimately there is no food entirely composed of carbohydrates. Food chemistry doesn’t work that way. So you have to be very careful with myths.

Let us now come to the preparation of this type of bread.

How to make your own country bread?

Wheat flour intake and nutritional information

preparation of country bread

In order not to fall into myths, you need to know what wheat flour really is and how it can benefit you. We often see advertisements that say “avoid wheat flour” but many times the real information is corrupted.

Wheat bran contains great nutritional values ​​and probiotics. Ultimately, these are elements that are used to make very high quality flours as well as other foods.

In addition, wheat is the only optimal cereal for the handling and nutritional planning of bread. That is to say that the realization of a country bread would be improbable without the wheat bran, and the final production of refined wheat flour (with or without yeast).

In that sense, if there is anything you need to be careful with, it’s the proportions. 200 g of bread is not a danger, especially if you have a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

But if this is not your case and you have bad eating habits, then bread is not the most recommended for you.

After clarifying the aspects regarding the ingredients of this type of bread, it’s time to show you how you can prepare your own country bread at home.


  • 4 cups of wheat flour, yeast-free (400 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of flour baking powder (25 g)
  • 10 cups of lukewarm water (850 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (25 g)


preparation of country bread

  • First, you must have a large, deep bowl, so that you can collect all the ingredients. This is very important.
  • Add all the dry ingredients to the bowl. In other words, flour, salt, yeast and make a small well so that you can pour water into it.
  • Once you have completed the previous step, add the water and start mixing.
  • You can do this with a plastic or wooden spatula to avoid lumps. The secret is to obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • Then knead. You will need some strength for this step.
  • With both hands continue to knead to obtain a soft, easy to handle mixture, without lumps.
  • The result should be an elastic but firm dough.
  • At this stage, you must give it its elongated shape, characteristic of country bread.
  • Put it in the oven at a temperature of 120 ° for about 25 minutes.
  • Take it out of the oven and let it cool to room temperature then enjoy a good bread.

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