Delicious Vegetable Lentil Recipe

This vegetable lentil recipe provides many nutrients that are beneficial for your health. Discover here its benefits and the preparation steps!

This vegetable lentil recipe makes a delicious, simple, and highly nutritious dish that you should include in your meal list. Thanks to the properties of vegetables, it is a recipe which, in addition to being a source of energy, brings many benefits to the body.

One of the best properties of lentils is that they are rich in antioxidants and trace elements. Not to mention the non-essential amino acids, proteins, minerals, and the absence of fats and cholesterol. ..

Making this vegetable lentil recipe isn’t complicated and won’t cost you much. The other ingredients in the recipe are also recommended ingredients for the correct nutrient intake.

This recipe includes carrots, onion, potatoes, garlic, and bell pepper, among others.

You can always adapt this recipe to your tastes and preferences. Don’t hesitate to vary the vegetables if you feel like it. After all, you are the chef in your kitchen.

To accompany this recipe, the best option is undoubtedly white rice. As for the drink, opt for a natural juice to take advantage of this healthy recipe. Avoid processed products in order to properly absorb the nutrients in this recipe.

On the other hand, if you lack minerals, folic acid or iron, this recipe for lentils with vegetables will fill your gaps. And we are not exaggerating. Just look at the iron content of lentils!

From lentils to vegetables: the benefits

lentil dish with vegetables

One of the many qualities of lentils is that they are high in fiber. If you are on a diet to lose weight or to maintain your current weight, lentils are an ideal food to include in your eating routine.

And even if you feel a little heavy after a dish of lentils, know that they are also easy to digest.

Lentils also contain vitamins B2, B3, B6 and B9.

Always keep in mind that food is a source of energy that the body uses to perform its functions. Always know what you are eating.

Now that you know the benefits of lentils, it’s time to get down to the recipe. You do not believe ?

Lentils with vegetables: the recipe

vegetable lentils recipe


  • 4 cups of green lentils (480 g)
  • 2 leeks
  • 2 onions
  • 3 small carrots
  • 1 large potato
  • 2 garlic cloves without skin
  • 1 tablespoon of ground green pepper (15 g)
  • 3 glasses of water (750ml)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil (45 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper


  • The first thing to do is to wash all the vegetables well, especially the potato. This tuber is usually covered with soil.
  • Cut the following ingredients into small, fine pieces: carrots, onions, garlic cloves and bay leaf. As for the remaining vegetables, cut them into small but slightly larger pieces.
  • Put all the ingredients in a large saucepan and pour in the water. If you want a more broth- like texture , you can add water.
  • Heat everything until it boils. Remember to stir the mixture regularly so that the vegetables do not stick to the bottom of the pan.
  • Leave to cook for another twenty minutes, remembering to stir the preparation regularly. When the vegetables are soft, it’s a sign that your dish is ready!

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