Detoxify The Intestines To Have A Beautiful Skin

When our intestines are intoxicated, it is possible that our skin feels it and that it presents with impurities, because our organism tries to purify the toxins and expels them through our dermis.

If we want to develop a treatment to take care of our skin, we must at the same time detoxify our intestines. We must not forget that our skin is directly connected to the functioning of all the other vital organs in our body.

Many people, after getting over acne in their teenage years, want to continue taking care of their skin and worry about its health. This is why they are constantly looking for alternatives to cleanse their skin.

The cosmetics industry offers many treatments against dry skin, against wrinkles or against premature aging. However, we must take into consideration that the outward appearance of our body is correlated with our inner health.

The health of our skin depends on internal and external care

In fact, certain skin conditions, such as acne, rosacea, eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis are clear symptoms of poor general health, not just skin.

Functional medicine to heal our skin

To treat skin problems and cleanse our skin, it is important to go beyond superficial problems. We have to treat our whole organism functionally, using a kind of “systems medicine”, which therefore encompasses all the vital processes in our body.

This medicine can allow us to discover the dysfunctions of the interconnected systems of our body. Functional medicine is used to treat acne and many other skin conditions. It acts, for example, on inflammatory disorders that affect our immune system.

For all these reasons, functional medicine focuses on the personalization of treatments, and thus adapts to each case.

Tests to detoxify the intestines and heal the skin

To detoxify the intestines, you need to do laboratory tests. The analysis of the stool and the tests which make it possible to verify the good health of the intestinal microbial flora are essential.

To determine the health of these bacteria, the tests must be carried out on samples taken over several consecutive days.

Blood tests

Thanks to a blood test, it is possible to detect whether the defense system of our intestines is affected by any pathology.

If this is the case, our intestines allow particles of undigested food to pass into the blood. All of this provokes an inflammatory response from our organism.

Foods that take care of our gut and skin

The most damaging foods for the health of our intestines are those that are processed. They contain many toxic substances that are dangerous for all of our organs. These products cannot be properly assimilated by our body.

Some foods that can help you detoxify the intestines include:

Bone broths

It’s a grandma’s remedy that you may have heard of before. It is a traditional healing drink rich in collagen, an excellent substance for our skin and intestines.

Herbal tonics

Herbal tonics are also very effective in curing chronic infections. One of the best known is called the Swedish elixir. It has demonstrated its effectiveness in curing various pathologies. In addition, it brings a soothing balance to our stomach by stabilizing its acidity.

Fermented vegetables

Certain fermented vegetables are excellent for providing our microbial flora with the beneficial probiotics it needs. This helps to take care of our intestinal health and therefore, indirectly, of our skin.

We recommend that you include the following products in your diet:

  • Fermented cabbage (sauerkraut)
  • Kimchi


It is a food that is rich in nutrients that are beneficial for our intestines. However, as it is red meat, we recommend that you eat it in moderation.

Coconut oil

Certain fats are fundamental in detoxifying the intestines and our skin. Coconut oil provides us with natural anti-microbial benefits that allow us to improve the general condition of our skin.

Fermented drinks

Some fermented dairy products, such as kefir for example, are rich in probiotics, excellent nutrients that take care of our skin’s health and restore it to its original appearance.

Fermented cod liver oil is an excellent healing food, although it may turn some off. This oil is rich in nutrients, like vitamins A, D and K2.

It is a source of benefits for our skin.

Some examples of the relationship between the intestines and the skin

Psoriasis is certainly one of the most telling examples of a relationship between our body trying to eliminate toxins, by filtering them through the intestinal walls, and the condition of our skin. This pathology is caused by what is called leaky bowel syndrome.

Various studies have come to the conclusion that patients suffering from Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis have skin changes.

People who are allergic to gluten can also suffer from skin problems. These manifestations are irregular and can be bothersome in the long term.

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