Do Negative People Affect You? Learn To Defend Yourself!

In addition to protecting yourself from their toxic nature, it is important that you make people see that to be happy you absolutely have to have an optimistic view of things.

We are sure that you too know someone who is always in a bad mood and who has a great ease in infecting those around them. How to protect yourself from negative people?

These are people with a low tolerance for frustration. Indeed, they are used to reacting by complaining or adopting negative behavior in the face of any situation that does not exactly correspond to their expectations.

Where does the bad mood of negative people come from?

There are people who live with continuous pessimism. A negativity that not only affects their own life but also affects the lives of others. According to experts, what lies behind these people is continual irritability and self-dissatisfaction.

Basically, these negative people are victims of themselves. Indeed, they spend their day suffering from a permanent disenchantment with the reality they are experiencing.

They don’t necessarily have true depression, but they can show very low self-esteem, which takes the form of apathy and contempt. Like a shell with thorns.

While only a drop is missing from the vase, these people see it as half empty. They lack confidence and are therefore unable to take advantage of the good things around them. In addition, they have the art of transmitting their negativity to others.

It is common that we are confronted with phrases like “why are you doing this if, anyway, you are not going to do it?”. Even though we try not to concede it, in a way negative people affect us and discourage us. Especially in the following cases:

  • If the negative person is a relative: father, mother, spouse …
  • If the negative person has some power over you: as does your supervisor.

Sometimes there are people who have an influence on our life but whom we see little to also have a negative impact on us. They annoy us, affect us and force us to defend ourselves every day. We explain how to do it.

Keys to Protecting Yourself from Negative People

1. Set limits

Negative people are a bad influence on us.

Remember that, if these so-called negative people are close to your personal circle, sooner or later they will end up having an influence on you. By dint of insistence, they will catch you on the days when we are least on our guard. 

We must be careful because their behavior, their statements and their comments can affect our self-esteem. They hurt us inside.

We have to set limits by reasoning with each negative sentence: “Why do you want to take this contest when only the boosted pass it?” “I present myself because I think I am capable of succeeding”. “How can you be attracted to this boy / girl when he / she is too handsome / beautiful for you?” “I am attracted to the person of my choice because I have the same value as any other person and because I have the right to be happy”.

In other words, with calm and balance, it is important to set limits in front of these negative people. They are constantly trying to harm us with their claims. 

2. Show them that they are the ones who have a problem

Negative people have low self-esteem.

It is already something more difficult. But behind negative people always lurks defeatism and the scarcity of enjoying the positive things in life. To have illusions, to have hope. Show them that they are wrong and that above all, you are not like them.

Smile at their negative comments and say something like “Only positive people get things done. Only positive people appreciate life at its true value ”.

Behind these personalities is a lack of self-confidence, even jealousy at times. It is always good to show them that their view of reality will only bring them problems. This is how you should see them, as unhappy people. Don’t let them take power over you.

3. Act with confidence

Negative people should be faced with aplomb.

There is nothing better than self-confidence to defend ourselves against those who harm us. Those who want to manipulate us. You must know at all times what you want for yourselves. What you want is just to be happy. Live your life and show that you are capable of doing whatever is offered to you.

The fact that negative people tell you that you are worthless, that you are not able or that you will not make it, will not help you. Life is about learning and experience.  Sometimes you may make mistakes. But you get up and try again, achieving your goals then.

You have to assert yourself and say what you want out loud, without fear. You have to set limits and show that you are not afraid. It’s the negative people who are afraid, not you.

This is why it is essential to learn to open your “personal shield” to protect yourself from these frequent personalities. It is worth helping them if possible. Show them that to be happy all you need to do is have an optimistic view of things.

We need to raise our self-esteem. Thinking that we all have the right to happiness, which is within reach. Do not doubt it!

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