Do You Have Cold Hands? Find Out Why!

In most cases, having cold hands is linked to poor circulation. You can change your diet to improve it or practice specific hand exercises.

Hands cold as ice. You touch someone and they jump as your hands are frozen. This is something very common in the population, and it is good to know the reasons for it. Come and discover them with us in this article!

Are the Causes of Cold Hands Serious?

cold hands

At certain times of the year, without knowing why, your hands are very cold. In winter, you are required to wear gloves, even when you are at home. In summer, even if you feel it less, your hands are colder than others.

You are one of the people who, when they caress or touch someone, always hear themselves say “But you are completely frozen!”.

First of all, it is very important that you know that it is not something very important. Each person has their own way of feeling hot and cold, some are just more sensitive than others. So far so good.

But there is one factor that needs to get your attention and that needs to put you on alert. If ever, in addition to having cold hands, you are also tired very regularly, you have to deal with the problem.

You should immediately talk to your doctor for a series of tests. These will make it possible to establish the origin of this state which combines fatigue and low body temperature in the hands. It can mean that the blood circulation is not working properly. We will see what the possible reasons are.

1. Hypothyroidism?

We have told you about hypothyroidism several times before. This pathology corresponds to an alteration of the thyroid gland, which no longer secretes, in sufficient proportions, the hormone it usually produces, which has the effect of considerably slowing down the metabolism.

This leads to various afflictions such as weight gain, skin or hair changes, and increased sensitivity to cold.

The fact that your hands and feet are always very, very cold is a detail that does not disappoint. Your doctor is the only one who can diagnose this disease. But you can always increase your iodine intake while you wait to see him.

2. The presence of Raynaud’s syndrome?

This name might scare you a little, but don’t worry as it is not an extremely serious illness. But it is quite special.

It affects the blood vessels of the fingers and feet. It will simply shrink them, especially when the temperature is low, but also under stress or anxiety. This pathology is quite easy to detect because the fingertips turn bluish, and pain or ants may appear.

When blood flow returns, the fingers turn red and the ant feeling becomes more pronounced. This until it causes great heat in the hands.

There are different levels of manifestation of Raynaud’s syndrome. Some cases are quite mild, and others more acute. But, this is not a frequent thing.

To eliminate this disease from the list of potential factors for your cold hands, simply watch if your fingers turn blue when they cool down. If so, see your doctor.

 3. The possibility of anemia?


This is one of the most normal, most frequent reasons for the phenomenon of cold hands. This happens at certain times when your iron levels are quite low. You are then tired, you lose your hair a little more than usual, your nails break easily, etc. These are clear signs of anemia.

Get a blood test to be sure you have it. If so, your doctor will give you the right treatment for your type of anemia. Do not worry !

4. A circulation or weight problem?

You may be very thin. Having little body fat causes a low internal temperature. You are therefore often cold. It’s a possibility.

But there are others, such as suffering from circulatory problems for example. You feel ants in your hands, and you are forced to rub them against each other, to do small massages to promote blood circulation.

Normally you also have cold feet. These extremities of the body are far from the heart, and the blood does not always reach them correctly, which can cause this type of problem.

Therefore, we recommend that if you ever suffer from fatigue in addition to cold hands, consult your doctor so that he can perform certain tests.

It doesn’t have to be something serious, and you will feel more comfortable knowing what you are suffering from. It is important to have your doctor’s opinion. Finally, do not self-medicate, it is not worth putting yourself even more in danger!

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