Dry Brushing, To Reduce Cellulite And Improve Your Circulation As Well As Your Health

You need to buy a suitable brush, made of natural materials, to perform this operation. Adapt the friction to the sensitivity of your skin, trying varying degrees of intensity.

The majority of cosmetic treatments are intended to hydrate, protect and exfoliate the skin of the face. As well as areas of the body most affected by the impact of environmental factors. Dry brushing can also help.

Because of this phenomenon, many people forget that all areas of the body need care, not only because their skin requires nutrients, but also because it is connected to other systems of the body that guarantee health. general body.

The part of the skin that covers the inside of the body is made up of nerves, glands and layers of cells whose functions are to protect the body and regulate temperature.

It also contains nerve cells that are directly connected to the brain, allowing it to perceive and interact with its external environment.

All of this makes the skin play a very important role in our body, not just aesthetically.

It is a real organ that allows us to stay in good health, and which stimulates many functions of our body.

There is a very healthy habit that can be incorporated into a regular routine to improve health: dry brushing.

This is a very effective treatment which, in addition to promoting the elimination of dead skin cells, activates the blood circulation and promotes the elimination of waste.

In this article, we are going to share with you all the benefits that this good habit can bring you. And we will explain to you how to carry it out correctly. So that you can quickly put it into practice.

Dry brushing stimulates your lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is responsible for eliminating cellular waste that accumulates daily due to the work of all the cells in the body.

It is made up of lymphatic tubules which are responsible for filtering the residues present in the tissues. And to transport them in the blood stream so that they are eliminated. This process is known as lymphatic drainage.

Failure to operate this system can lead to very dangerous congestion. Often the cause of generalized inflammation or various diseases.

Dry brushing is an ideal technique to stimulate this detoxification process.

This habit has been scientifically proven to improve lymphatic function.

Dry brushing exfoliates

Even though it is advisable to use exfoliating agents which hydrate and nourish the skin, this treatment can be very useful as it decreases the accumulation of dead cells which affect the beauty of the skin.

Brushing your skin regularly will therefore improve its appearance. Thoroughly cleanse its clogged pores, and allow it to regenerate properly.

Dry brushing fights cellulite

Dry brushing will be very effective in reducing cellulite that you may have in different parts of the body.

Indeed, this will help soften the hard fat deposits that are under the skin. And which form the small dimples, which are also known as “orange peel”.

In addition, this gesture improves blood circulation and stimulates the elimination of metabolic waste. Which are the two factors that reduce skin inflammation and water retention.

Dry brushing reduces tension and stress

The practice of this massage in a quiet place, can promote the secretion of substances that reduce stress levels.

In particular, this helps to reduce muscle tension and the emotional symptoms that usually accompany these types of episodes.

Dry brushing improves digestion and kidney function

Massaging the lymph nodes helps the body to get rid of its excess water and all accumulated toxins.

This results in softer skin, but also better digestion and more optimal functioning of the kidneys.

How to brush your skin effectively?

First and foremost, it is essential that you get a good quality brush.

Opt instead for an object made with natural materials. And which has a handle suitable for massaging hard-to-reach areas of your body. Like the back for example.

For best results, brushing should be done every day. Except for people who have dry skin. In this case, it is better to repeat the operation two to three times a week.

Start with the soles of your feet, then work your way through your legs. By making small circular movements towards your heart.

When you get to your belly, make circular movements counterclockwise, and keep going up.

When you get to the chest, do not brush your nipples, as the skin covering this area is extremely sensitive.

Brushing should never be too heavy. And should be done over a short period of time, ranging from 2 to 10 minutes as well.

This technique for protecting the skin and health is very economical. It also requires very little time on a daily basis.

Incorporate it as soon as possible into your beauty routine. You will notice dramatic changes in a very short time.

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