Eggplant, Ideal For Good Digestion!

Eggplant is satiating, purifying and allows the elimination of liquids. If we want to lose weight, eggplant water is a perfect supplement.  

Did you know that eggplant is one of the most healing foods that we can include in our diet? It thus allows to enjoy a good digestion.

It is so rich in phyto-nutrients that it helps protect our cells from the attack of free radicals.

Eggplant offers many gastronomic possibilities, and since it facilitates digestion, we can drink its water as a diuretic supplement in the context of slimming diets.

Ultimately, eggplants are such a healthy vegetable that we should all be eating them regularly.

In the following article, we are going to share with you different reasons why you should include eggplant in your diet.

1. Eggplants, a light and digestible food

Nutrition experts tell us that eggplants are the lightest vegetables you can eat.

They do not contain fat and their fiber intake makes them ideal for times when we want to lose weight.

In addition, they help prevent and fight against water retention and enjoy good digestion. 

They have a large amount of potassium, a mineral that helps us maintain the acid-alkaline balance in our body, distributing water throughout our body in an appropriate manner.

2. They take care of the heart

benefits of eggplant

Eggplant contains a large amount of antioxidants. This is the reason why it is recommended for patients who have heart problems, as it is an anti-angiogenic food.

Angiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels are formed from existing vessels.

In some cases, it can develop tumors and cardiovascular disease, and eggplants protect us from this process.

In addition, their levels of copper, folic acid, magnesium and flavonoids protect our body cells from harmful bacteria and reduce bad cholesterol or LCL.

We must not forget that the combination of calcium, magnesium and potassium helps us to strengthen the muscles of the heart and its movements.

3. Eggplant is digestible

  • Eggplants are rich in water and low in carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They digest very well and help the intestines to absorb all the nutrients well.
  • They provide us with sugars and even if they do not have a very high level of vitamins, their main benefit is found in their minerals and their alkalizing power.
  • Did you know that eggplants contain up to 55% basic mineral salts?
    They therefore allow our body to purify itself further, which promotes the work of our organs.
  • They strengthen the liver, stimulate the production of bile and thanks to their purifying action, they are very suitable when you suffer from uric acid.

Lemon eggplant water recipe for weight loss

To be able to take advantage of the properties of eggplant for good digestion, we explain here how to prepare this water so healthy.

Know that this remedy is only a supplement. That is, you need to maintain a low fat diet, for this lemon eggplant water to help you improve digestion.


  • 1 medium-sized eggplant, preferably organic.
  • The juice of a lemon
  • 1 liter of water
  • A large glass pitcher

How to prepare eggplant water with lemon?

eggplant water for good digestion

  • Wash the eggplant well. If you want to remove all pesticides from the skin, soak it in water with a little apple cider vinegar and a little baking soda.
  • Then cut the eggplant into one-centimeter slices, with the skin on.
  • Cook the slices in half a liter of water. Once they are soft, remove them from the heat and keep the resulting water.
  • Add the other half liter of water and the lemon juice. Stir well and pour the remedy into the glass pitcher, then place it in the refrigerator.
  • Instead of cooking the eggplant, some people soak the slices overnight in a liter of water, so that they drain all their properties. You can choose the option you prefer.

How to consume this water?

  • Drink this lemon eggplant water throughout the day, before main meals.
    In this way, it will make you feel even more full, digest better and eliminate fat.
  • You can consume it two to three times a week. If you accompany this treatment with a low fat diet, in which you include fresh vegetables and fruits, the results will be remarkable.

It’s just about choosing the right foods and adding the healthiest vegetables nature offers to our dishes. Eggplant is undoubtedly one of the best vegetables for good digestion!

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