Fighting Cataracts: Treatment And Prevention

Even though cataracts develop with age, there are ways to prevent it or delay its progression. Find out how by reading the rest of this article.

Fighting cataracts is very important. There are different nutritional and physical factors that can damage our eyesight.

This is obviously without counting on the abuse of devices with screens such as cell phones, computers, tablets, etc.

All this has a negative impact on the organs of vision, and we can also say that cataracts are an extremely widespread problem in the 21st century!

What is cataract?

Profile view of an eye with cataracts.

It is a loss of central vision due to the fact that our lens becomes opaque. This means that the augmentation lens that we have in our eye loses its transparency.

It begins to fade more and more, until it finally becomes like a kind of “curtain”.

This prevents the arrival of images in our retina. It is as if the lens of our camcorder is suddenly dirty from the accumulation of residue. We can therefore not be able to capture images.

Cataract is a degenerative and painless process of vision. Its most striking sign is the physical appearance it will take within our eyes.

Initially, there begins to be a “milky veil”, and gradually, it covers the pupil. We then lose the usual black color, and our pupil becomes more and more grayish as the disease progresses.

What are the triggers for cataracts?

It is important to fight against cataracts.

This is caused by a buildup of protein in the lens of the eye. This is what creates this veil that prevents light from reaching the retina.

It is happening slowly, little by little. The eye may even be completely covered. In the most severe cases, blindness then occurs.

This disease usually affects almost half of the population over 65. It is for this reason that it is important to fight against cataracts.

We very often opt for surgery when it comes to the most serious cataracts. But in many cases, this treatment does not mean improvement in vision.

If this is the case, consult your eye doctor for a personalized perspective on the potential improvement that can be hoped for in your situation.

Alternatives before having surgery

But before going to a surgeon, we can try other options! We will explain to you several ways that will allow you to greatly reduce the progression of cataracts.

You can even stop it! But if you do not succeed and if these treatments do not work, you will obviously have to go see an ophthalmologist.

The lens is made up of three quarters of water and protein. The distribution of proteins is that which interferes with the way we perceive light.

The keys to treatment are therefore to define the means by which we can succeed in correcting these deficiencies. Likewise, we will take the statistics into account.

In fact, the probability of suffering from cataracts is greater in diabetics and in women. It is even more so if there is a family history of this disease.

An increased incidence was also observed in those who took drugs with corticosteroids in high doses (10 to 15 mg per day) for years. The same goes for smokers!

Smoking contributes to the development of cataracts.

A dietetic treatment to fight against cataracts

Foods to add to the diet to fight cataracts

Vitamins should be consumed regularly

Our diet will be rich in vitamins A and C. They are fundamental for the tissues and the functions of the eyes, and in addition, they help to slow down the deterioration of the lens.

To obtain vitamin A, we will take “red” vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, oranges, papaya, etc. It will also take spinach and liver.

Spinach is particularly recommended for reducing the risk of developing severe cataracts.

To obtain vitamin C, there is a wide variety of products, but we will highlight spirulina and moringa (leaves or oil) since they are also rich in vitamin A.

We must add to our diet all foods that are natural sources of antioxidants

These are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, strawberries, black grapes, broccoli, tomatoes, and olive and moringa oil.

Antioxidants fight free radicals (unstable oxygen molecules). These can build up in the eyes and create cataracts.

You must follow a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids

You can take either supplements or fish (especially blue). These acids can also be found in flax seeds, or in chia and their oils.

According to various studies, consuming tuna once a week reduces the risk of cataracts by up to 12%.

Habits to adopt to fight against cataracts

Sweetened drinks and sugars in general should be avoided

These weaken and damage the nervous system. For the same reason, we should also avoid caffeine and alcohol.

The mucous membranes of the eyes must not become dehydrated

You should therefore drink plenty of water, at least two liters per day. To do this, we should also avoid foods that are too salty or spicy!

The liver must be maintained

The liver is very much related to vision, so it is important to take care of it.

Our recommendations

Our behavior and our attitude towards life are very important in preventing, slowing down, or even treating cataracts. To do this, the following things must be taken into account:

  • Periodic eye examinations should be done in adults. You have to go to the ophthalmologist every two years.
  • You need to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Wear sunglasses and / or a hat. This will allow you to effectively fight against cataracts.
  • Avoid exposure to UV rays in tanning booths. Solar ultraviolet rays (UVB) are less harmful.
  • Use a sleeping mask if you can’t sleep in a dark place. At rest, the pineal gland produces melatonin (a hormone that slows aging), but it does so only in the dark.
  • Do not smoke !
  • Control your diabetes.
  • Practice “eye relaxation”  for half an hour every day. You have to look at a plant or a green and harmonious landscape in a serene inner state.

The importance of diet

Cataracts are more common in diabetics and in smokers. They do not affect the entire elderly population.

This is why natural medicine indicates that cataracts are caused by poor diet as well as certain diseases that create tension in the muscles of the eye.

This is all due to the fact that the lens suffers from a lack of blood circulation, and therefore it does not benefit from the nutrients.

This is why it is necessary to prevent cataracts with an adequate diet; it takes a lot of nutrients and exercises that help fight muscle tension. This is the ideal treatment!

Folk remedies to fight against cataracts


Apply pure (unrefined) honey to the eye. It is an antibiotic that will help cleanse and nourish the eye.


Make an infusion of anise or sachets of raw potatoes. Leave them on the eyelids for an hour a day.

Daily infusions of Cayenne or Eufrasia tea also help to delay disease development and fight cataracts.


Eye drops of filtered seawater. It may be irritating at first, but this remedy doesn’t hurt and can be done every day.

Drops of a solution made with a few drops of lemon diluted in serum or in pure water.

This remedy will sting if we have dirty eyes or have conjunctivitis, but it is very effective. And in addition, it does not hurt the eye!

Thecastor oil

Wet your finger in it and apply the remedy gently on the edge of the eye, the oil will penetrate on its own.

Moringa oil can also be used, but this remedy stings a little more because of its antibiotic properties. This application should be made for at least a month.

Linseed oil or cod liver oil can also be applied, one drop each night.

The aloe vera

Apply two or three drops of the liquefied pulp.

Fried onion in pieces

You leave it in the fridge for half an hour and then place the onion on the eyelids for five minutes.

The decoctions

A decoction of chamomile (25 g), elderberry (30 g), a potato, half a cucumber and flax seeds (15 g): put all this in a liter of water. Then apply to the eyes with compresses.

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