Flaxseed Water To Strengthen The Hair

Forget hair creams and gels, and now use flaxseed water to finally have the strong, shiny hair you’ve always dreamed of.

Our hair is exposed every day to many factors that can weaken it, dry it out, and cause it damage that can be very visible.

It is therefore important to provide them with appropriate nutrition and care if you want to have beautiful and healthy hair.

Currently, there are many treatments for the care and beauty of hair. They are designed to repair the damage they have suffered, and restore them to a healthy and sublime appearance.

However, there are also natural, and less expensive, alternatives that can give similar results.

Indeed, these natural remedies will strengthen your hair, and give them that sublime appearance that you so desire. One of these treatments is none other than the famous flaxseed water.

As we all know, flaxseed is an ingredient rich in essential oils and nutrients that are good for our health.

In the case of the hair, these nutrients will help to nourish, hydrate and regenerate it, to give it a fantastic and really healthy appearance. 

The benefits of flaxseed water to strengthen hair

Flaxseed water to strengthen the hair.

In addition to being the largest natural plant source of omega 3 fatty acids, flax seeds also contain high amounts of the E and B complex vitamins.

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant capable of repairing damage caused by environmental pollution, and stimulating the regeneration of hair cells.

For its part, vitamin B is excellent for the nervous and circulatory systems.

Flaxseed water is therefore perfect for taking care of the health of the skin and hair. Indeed, it brings them nutrition and shine.

But, beyond the aesthetic aspects, it is important to specify that flax seeds have the power to moisturize the hair, prevent hair loss, and strengthen its growth.

This water, rich in nutrients, can also prevent premature aging of your hair.

Flaxseed water can become your best ally in protecting your hair from damage caused by its environment.

In addition, it allows the hair to be smoothed well, and to avoid unpleasant frizz which is impossible to disentangle.

On the other hand, it also helps to treat wounds and burns, thanks to its antibacterial action and its ability to regenerate tissues.

How to prepare flaxseed water?

Preparing your own flaxseed water is very easy, and above all very inexpensive.

Follow these few steps that we are going to present to you, and enjoy all its benefits for the care of your hair. 


  • 1 teaspoon of flax seeds
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of a lemon


  • Put the water to heat in a saucepan, and when it comes to a boil, add the flax seeds.
  • Cook over medium heat for two minutes, or until the water thickens slightly.
  • When your mixture is ready, let everything cool well, filter the water and remove the seeds.
  • Finally, to better conserve the water you have obtained, add the lemon juice to it.

How to use flaxseed water to strengthen the hair?

To make the most of the benefits of flaxseed water to strengthen your hair, it is very important to follow the few steps that we will reveal to you in the rest of this article:

  • Wash your hair as usual, using your regular shampoo and conditioner.
  • When brushing your hair, instead of using cream or gel, take a little flaxseed water in your hands, and apply it from your scalp, to your ends, so as to make it penetrate well.
  • This treatment will help you nourish your hair and prevent it from falling out. 
  • Once your hair is dry, you will notice that it is much shinier. This is because they do not have frizz or knots.
  • If you have frizzy hair, apply more flaxseed water. Your curls will be well defined and will also hold better.
  • To increase the effects of this natural remedy, you can apply flaxseed water on your scalp. Every night before going to bed.

To keep this product, don’t forget to add lemon juice to it, and keep it cool.

It is not recommended to prepare a large quantity. Since it is a natural product without artificial preservatives, it will only last a maximum of two weeks.

So prepare a reasonable amount. Then keep the chilled flaxseed water in a clean, airtight container.

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