Gastritis Problems? Discover The Best Remedies To Treat It

Gastritis is a very common disorder these days, the consequence of modern diet which is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

Although every body reacts differently to certain foods, if we suffer from gastritis problems, we will need to avoid fried foods as well as tobacco and alcohol so as not to make the problem worse.

Gastritis is a very common disorder these days, a consequence of modern diet characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

It is often characterized by digestive discomforts, more or less serious, which condition our diet and our lifestyle.

So discover in this article some very effective remedies to treat gastritis problems in a natural way.

Diet to treat gastritis problems

Food for gastritis

To prevent and cure gastritis, we need to eat a balanced and rather strict diet. Because if we don’t, then we will notice the consequences almost instantly.

Although there are gastritis of different severities, for each of them we recommend to follow the following indications:

  • Eliminate bad habits, tobacco and alcohol.
  • Do not eat cold meats or fried foods.
  • Reduce the consumption of refined flour and sugars.
  • Minimize the consumption of coffee and tea.
  • Check the rations and try that they are not too abundant. It is best to eat several times in small amounts throughout the day.
  • Pay attention to the consumption of hot spices.
  • Control stress and nerves, which also make gastritis worse.
  • Do not consume foods or drinks that are too cold or too hot.
  • Chew each food well.

Natural remedies

Foods rich in flavonoids

All inflammations are linked to an excess of acidity in the body. This is what causes gastritis problems.

This is why we will have to consume more foods of plant origin, fresh, which have a strong alkalizing power.

It is especially recommended that they be rich in flavonoids, the main antioxidants that give food their color.

  • Red fruits
  • Grape
  • Beet
  • Carrot
  • Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Turnip

Nine days of potato and oil

This is an ancient remedy known to our grandmothers to soothe many digestive disorders that cause discomfort and pain every time we eat.

It consists of consuming for nine days a preparation based on:

  • Half a glass of raw potato juice (100 ml)
  • Two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (32 g)

Mix the two ingredients well and consume this drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before your breakfast. We will be able to repeat the operation every month.

When preparing this juice, it is essential to make sure that the potato has not sprouted, as this could be toxic.

If we don’t have a blender, we can grate the potato, pass it through a cloth and finally squeeze it to get the juice.

White clay

White clay is the best alternative to anti-acids sold in pharmacies, because it is very effective and has no negative consequences on health.

However, people with high blood pressure or constipation should avoid consuming clay marc.


  • 1 teaspoon of white clay (5 g)
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml)


  • Using wooden or glass utensils, first mix the white clay with half a glass of water.
  • Do not use any metal or plastic utensils, as it will lose its therapeutic effect.
  • Take the clay without meals.

The three vegetables

carrots to treat gastritis problems

This remedy is suitable as well to be carried out from time to time as a prevention as to relieve us at the time of a gastritis attack.

For three days we will have to consume only the following foods:

  • Potato
  • Cabbage
  • Carrot

We can also include apples in our diet during this short period.

We can eat them in different ways, except fried: boiled, roasted, raw or mixed. You can season them with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt.

Apple and carrot juice

This delicious homemade juice, made from apple and carrot, and which many people consume because they appreciate the combination of their sweet flavors, has a soothing and restorative effect on the digestive mucosa. Perfect for treating gastritis problems!

This is why it is therefore an excellent juice to drink every morning or before meals.

Oil and lemon

If every morning, when we wake up, we take a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice, it will have several positive effects on health:

  • Activate the functioning of the liver
  • Facilitate bowel movement
  • Regulate digestive pH
  • Prevent gastritis

Cabbage juice

Cabbage juice is, like raw potato juice, a powerful natural alkalizer.

It thus balances the acidity that causes gastritis without altering the gastric juices, which must always remain acidic for good digestion.

We can drink some cabbage juice mixed with water, always on an empty stomach, about 10 minutes before breakfast. This remedy will reduce discomfort and regenerate the digestive mucosa.

Now you know how to treat gastritis problems.

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