Guava Leaves To Treat Damaged Hair

The infusion of guava leaves has multiple benefits for our body. We can consume this fruit but also apply it externally. Guava leaves in particular will help you treat damaged hair.

Guava is a tropical fruit native to South America. It contains microbial and astringent properties that help cleanse the body, although it is usually used to relieve bleeding gums and bad breath. Guava leaves are also very interesting.

Guava has long been known for its many properties. The fruit is used to accompany meals, for the skin and to eliminate bad odors.

The leaves of this fruit in particular have important medicinal properties. They act as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Thanks to these virtues, they help relieve many common diseases.

Guava leaves

Guava leaves to treat damaged hair.

Guava leaves contain a large amount of nutrients that allow them to be very useful and offer a wide range of health benefits.

Among their properties, one distinguishes in particular their high rate of antioxidants because they are rich in carotenoids and flavonoids.

  • They are of great importance in alternative medicine, and are usually used in the manufacture of natural products.
  • Guava leaves are usually sold in tea or capsule form, as a nutritional supplement.

Guava has a high amount of nutrients that provide numerous health, skin and hair benefits. One of the reasons guava is highly recommended for hair is its high vitamin B content.

  • The vitamin B in guava helps in hair growth and health. Vitamin B2 is essential for tissue regeneration. For this reason, vitamin B is present in many hair care products.

Guava leaves are essential for preventing hair loss, especially when used on a regular basis to heal the scalp.

Take note of this guava leaf remedy to treat damaged hair :


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1 handful of guava leaves

What should you do ?

  • Just boil a liter of water with guava leaves to get all the benefits of this plant.
  • Once the cooking is done, let it cool and apply it gently to the hair from root to tip.

Guava is also very effective in treating dandruff and combating split ends. You can treat these two hair disorders with the following treatment:

What should you do ?

  • Grind the guava leaves and make an ointment with hot water, to apply it on the scalp and ends.
  • This remedy will help you considerably in treating both of these hair problems.

Other uses of guava

The benefits of guava leaves.

Guava tea has revolutionized the fields of natural medicine because it helps with weight loss and reduced anxiety.

It is also used to fight against anemia, diabetes and has great benefits for the heart.

Likewise, guava leaf tea is also very good for stopping diarrhea.

To regulate cholesterol

The components of guava are a great alternative for lowering cholesterol levels. You can eat the fruit or consume it as an infusion.

It will help you lower blood glucose levels and maintain optimal cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

For heart health

Guava is acidic and causes an alkaline reaction. In addition, it has a high content of vitamin C and vitamin A. It also contains potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and iron. It also promotes the skeletal and lymphatic systems.

Guava leaf tea can also be of great benefit to your heart and circulatory system. The compounds in guava leaves can help lower blood pressure and heart rate.

Their effects have been demonstrated in a study carried out with laboratory animals. Consuming guava leaf extracts reduced both their blood pressure and heart rate.

Drinking guava leaf tea could also improve the concentration of lipids in the blood. Plus, guava leaves can also help lower blood cholesterol and bad triglycerides.

To reduce diabetes

The high level of antioxidants in guava leaves also provides multiple health benefits. They reduce stress, delay premature aging, but also prevent many diseases.

Besides, the benefits of guava leaves also help treat diabetes as well as other health conditions.

For example, an infusion of guava leaves can be consumed with every meal to improve hypoglycemia and insulin resistance.

To complement the benefits of guava leaves, you should also follow good eating habits and exercise on a regular basis.

This rich Caribbean fruit has so many properties that one article on the subject is not enough. Guava can be considered to be  the fruit with the greatest healing power in the world.

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