Herbs For The Treatment Of Fibromyalgia

The capsaicin present in cayenne pepper is a very effective natural pain reliever that is found in the composition of many creams to treat muscle pain.

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes muscle pain and fatigue. People who suffer from fibromyalgia tend to experience pain sensitivity in certain parts of the body. Did you know that there are herbs for the treatment of fibromyalgia?

The most common is that it happens in the neck, back, shoulders, arms, legs and pelvis. Fibromyalgia is very painful and embarrassing, which is why seeking treatment is very important.

Here we introduce you to some herbs that help relieve fibromyalgia. A large percentage of people who suffer from fibromyalgia (between 80% and 90% of them) are women.

In addition, and even if the exact causes are still unknown, this pathology is frequently associated with traumatic events or high stress, recurrent injuries, discomfort or ailments as well as certain diseases.

Check out the herbs for the treatment of fibromyalgia:

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper has been found to have properties that help treat the ailments caused by fibromyalgia.

It contains, among others, capsaicin which is an effective analgesic and of natural origin. In fact, many creams that treat muscle pain are made with cayenne pepper because it is effective in relieving this type of problem.

Cayenne pepper in the treatment of fibromyalgia

To relieve fibromyalgia, one can consume cayenne pepper tea by mixing a quarter of a teaspoon in a cup of hot water.

The best is to prepare it every morning and drink it throughout the day. It is very important not to drink more than one cup per day.

Otherwise, you run the risk of severely irritating your mucous membranes.

St. John’s Wort

Another herb that is used to fight fibromyalgia is St. John’s Wort. It is also known as Midsummer Grass and it is a medium-sized plant producing a yellow flower with long petals.

This herb is mostly used for depression.

It should be remembered that depression is one of the main symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, so it must be combated.

St. John's Wort

As if that weren’t enough, in addition to fighting depression, St. John’s Wort helps relieve pain and fight insomnia.

The best way to take this remedy is in capsules or supplements which are usually sold in natural stores or pharmacies.

Some people also brew teas with their flowers, so this is one more option.

St. John’s Wort, despite being an herb, does interact with certain medications that we may take, such as antidepressants and birth control pills, among others.

This is why it is necessary to consult your doctor or pharmacist before consuming it. There is a false belief circulating that medicinal plants are completely harmless.

This is a mistake: in fact, plants are the basis of many of the drugs that we use in chemical form today.


Harpagophyton is a plant commonly known as “devil’s claw”. It is characterized by fruits in the form of woody capsules topped with sharp spines at the end in the form of a hook.

The components of this herb make it very effective in the fight against certain pathologies such as arthritis. This is why we started to use it to fight fibromyalgia and it gives good results.

“Devil’s claw” has a very powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is used to reduce pain caused by fibromyalgia.

In addition, it stimulates the appetite, lowers cholesterol, purifies and calms intestinal spasms.

To consume it, the most common is to apply the extract of the plant on the areas where you feel pain, prepare herbal teas or buy capsules.

As you can see, there are several herbs available for the treatment of fibromyalgia.

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