Home Remedies For Abdominal Swelling

The foods we eat already contain enough salt, especially those that are not of natural origin. We must try not to salt our dishes, and to buy foods low in sodium.

For some time now, you no longer fit in your pants and you suffer from abdominal swelling. Even if you exercise, your belly still remains swollen.

Why ? You may be suffering from inflammation. Find out in this article what are the best home remedies for abdominal swelling.

If you don’t overeat, or if you are satisfied with a few bites of food, it is not normal for you to have this feeling of heaviness, like having a stone in your stomach.

The reasons for this swelling can be various, from intolerance to certain foods to stomach allergies caused by ingredients that irritate your mucous membranes, to problems digesting food.

It is not uncommon for people with this disorder to actually be allergic to lactose.

In addition to paying attention to the foods you eat, and their effect on your body, you can combat this bloated feeling with home remedies and natural tips. Always learn more!

abdominal swelling

How to relieve the stomach?

Reduce your salt intake

Sodium is very bad for your health if it is consumed in large quantities. The recommended daily dose for an adult is 1500 mg.

However, the diet that we follow and the absence of healthy habits double this danger to our health. A good idea to follow is to stop adding extra salt to your dishes.

You can also analyze the labels of the foods you eat, and buy only those that contain the least sodium.

Increase your potassium intake

Foods that are high in potassium, such as bananas or spinach, allow you to remove excess fluid that remains in your body, especially in your belly.

Make yourself a delicious smoothie by mixing a banana and a papaya, or eat an oven roasted potato with its skin on, and half a cup of cooked spinach.


Do not drink alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are harmful to our health for a number of obvious reasons. So, if you are suffering from abdominal swelling, it could be due to alcohol fermentation in your gut which causes you gas and therefore inflames your stomach.

Cook your vegetables

Thus, it is certain that eating raw vegetables is more beneficial for your health than if you eat them cooked.

But, if you are suffering from abdominal swelling, you must go for the second solution. Raw foods can indeed cause inflammation because they are digested more slowly by our body.

Foods that reduce abdominal inflammation


If you eat this type of food, you will not only allow your stomach to deflate, but you will help your whole body to get rid of a lot of toxins, especially those contained in the blood.

Foods with the most antioxidants are: blueberries, apples, onions, celery, and garlic. Eat three daily servings of the listed fruits, and two or three of the listed vegetables.


Fiber will help you fight inflammation in your stomach. For this, do not hesitate to consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, rice, whole flour and oats.

Also, be careful not to overeat, as excess fiber causes gas.

Complete rice

Avoid fat

Foods that are low in fat are great for reducing stomach inflammation because they are much healthier than those in high amounts.

Replace your breakfast pastry with a cup of cereal and fruit. Instead of eating French fries, opt for carrot or celery instead. Prefer meat cooked a la plancha, or grilled, than fried.


Cumin, oregano and fennel help fight gas swelling.

  • Fennel is an excellent antiseptic, which will allow you to fight effectively against diarrhea.
  • Cumin has sedative and diuretic properties, it is especially recommended to fight against water retention.
  • Oregano has the ability to improve digestion because it is diuretic, and it also helps support healthy liver and kidneys.


The herbs

A good infusion of lime blossom helps fight stress thanks to its calming properties.

Other herbal remedies also help achieve this, as well as reducing appetite and cravings, preventing you from consuming too much food and feeling heavy.

Birch leaves are also good for removing inflammation, especially if it is caused by menstruation.

Homemade recipe for abdominal swelling

An abdominal swelling smoothie can be made with just four ingredients that will allow you to eliminate the fluid and gases that cause inflammation.

  • The first of these is yogurt. While some people are lactose intolerant, yogurt is known to contain good bacteria that help eliminate fermenting food in your gut.
  • The second ingredient is ginger. It is very effective in the fight against indigestion, swelling and gas. This is due to the carminative properties of ginger, which are excellent for preventing cramps.
  • The third ingredient is banana, which is rich in potassium, which helps eliminate sodium.
  • And finally, cardamom. It is a spice native to India that improves digestion.

In your blender, mix one or two cups of semi-skimmed yogurt, two bananas peeled and cut into pieces, a spoonful of grated ginger and 1/4 of a spoonful of cardamom powder.

You can also add half a cup of semi-skimmed milk, two tablespoons of honey and a few ice cubes. Mix everything and drink it.

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