How Long Can You Leave Your Child In Front Of The Television?

How long can your child watch TV? In this article, find out how to evaluate the programs your children are watching and their reactions.

Leaving your children in front of the television unattended can have serious consequences. Violent programs for adults can affect their psychological development.

Some parents choose electronic devices as the first option to entertain their children. If you’ve ever wondered how long you can leave your child in front of a screen, this article will be useful for you.

We even tell you what type of program it can watch as well as the consequences that may arise from exposure to screens.

In recent years, technology has turned our children into consumers of electronic products. If this concerns you and you want to know how long you can leave your child in front of the television, read the following lines.

How do you know how long to leave your children in front of the television?

According to some doctors and psychologists, a child over two years old cannot watch television for more than two hours a day, just like adults.

Thus, if you follow this advice, you will prevent your child from exhibiting certain negative symptoms which result from prolonged exposure to TV programs.

Indeed, a child who is too exposed can suffer from impaired sleep, a problem with school learning or a delay in language development.

The number of hours spent in front of a screen will depend on the age and living conditions of your child. Spending too much time in front of the TV isn’t good for anyone anyway, but to different degrees.

In order to properly calculate the time your child spends in front of the television, you must use a watch or a stopwatch. When your child wants to see their favorite program, you can set the stopwatch to 60 or 120 minutes to know when to stop watching TV.

Child watching television.

What type of program can your child see?

There are currently several types of programs that your child can watch. But for that, it is first necessary to check the content of the program, and in particular the type of teaching which results from it.

Opt for artistic or sports activities to replace television

You can change the habits of your children. They should be guided towards artistic or sporting activities instead of leaving them in front of the television. But first you have to ask them what they like or what excites them.

There are many sports that your children can play. You can choose a sports center or cultural activities. In addition, some schools include these activities outside of the curriculum.

You need to guide your children to help them find the activity that will appeal to them. In addition, sports and cultural activities will allow them to create new bonds, and this will also play a positive role in the personal development of your children.

Certain behaviors that indicate something is wrong

Parents are rightly concerned when they observe that their children are not sleeping well.

Likewise, and because of the time spent in front of television, children can have a false image of life, experience some delays in language development and even exhibit violent behavior.

If this is one of your fears, it’s best to know how long each day you can leave your child in front of a screen.

Child watching television.

1. Children imitate violent acts they see on TV

Many programs that are broadcast in the evening show violent scenes. These are scenes that your child is not able to place in their context. Block these types of channels, so your child will not be able to access them.

2. They don’t do homework or help around the house

Children are so entertained by television that they may forget to do their homework. Many parents allow their children to watch their favorite programs on TV after completing homework.

3. They no longer want to eat or sleep because of the television

No one wants to miss a beat of their favorite show, but that doesn’t stop you from eating or sleeping. For kids, it’s best to set a schedule for family eating, watching TV, and sleeping.


We all want to be good parents, but sometimes it’s hard to find the right balance. If you let your child watch the small screen for too long, there may be consequences like the ones listed above.

If you want things to change, start by applying our tips and prevent your kids from watching TV for too long. Good luck !

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