How To Calm Hives With These 3 Natural Remedies

When suffering from any type of allergy or infection, our skin will inform us in different ways, such as with hives , in which plaques appear accompanied by itching.

Urticaria is a very common skin condition that can occur at any age. It manifests as pimples, slightly raised and reddish or pink, that itchy, so it is very annoying.

It is one of the most common skin pathologies (dermatosis). Women are more prone to suffer from it and it appears mostly after adolescence, although it can occur at any age.

By pressing on their transparent part (vitropression) they do not disappear, as is the case with other injuries.

The itching may extend beyond the inflamed area. Thus, they can appear in the form of generalized urticaria over the whole surface of the body or a large part of it. Usually the lesions go away on their own within a few hours.

As we have already stated, itching is the most annoying symptom and, therefore, the factor that we need to control.


When we have an allergic reaction to a substance, the body releases histamine and other chemicals into the bloodstream. This causes itching, inflammation, and other symptoms. Urticaria is a common reaction.

Angioedema is the deepest tissue inflammation that sometimes occurs with hives. Like hives, angioedema can occur anywhere on the body.

When it occurs around the mouth or throat, the symptoms can be severe, they can even cause blockage of the airways.


The main symptom is the itchiness that accompanies the lesions or pimples. When the plates are larger (up to 20 cm in width), the central areas usually have a lighter color and form rings.

Usually, outbreaks of urticaria come and go. Indeed, this allergy can last several hours, then disappear and reappear in another sector. Before the onset of skin allergy, some patients observe:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Discomfort
  • Headache
  • Joint pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever

Natural remedies to soothe hives

1. Onion to treat urticaria

The benefits of onion against urticaria.

Onion is rich in sulfur compounds which are part of its essential oil and are responsible for its characteristic smell and taste. The alipylpropyl disulfide it contains increases the defensive efficiency of our body.

In addition, it also provides bactericidal and fungicidal properties which help to eliminate many viruses.


  • 1 onion, cut into rings
  • 1 strip of about 20 cm


  • Cut the onion into rings and place them on the area affected by the hives.
  • Use the bandage to secure the bunion in the area.
  • Leave on for an hour then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel contains powerful antioxidants which belong to the large family of substances known as polyphenols.

These polyphenols, along with other aloe vera compounds, can help prevent the growth of certain bacteria that cause skin infections and allergies.


  • 2 aloe vera leaf


  • First, cut the aloe vera leaves in half to get their internal gel.
  • Apply the gel to the affected area and leave it on for about 2 hours.
  • Finally, rinse thoroughly.

3. Chamomile tea

Chamomile is ideal for treating hives.

Without a doubt, it is a very effective herb in relieving itching produced by allergy. It is one of the best solutions to relieve the itchy rash on the body.

Besides soothing the itch, it will also hydrate our skin, so it will help reduce inflammation and improve repair.


  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Heat the water with the chamomile flowers until it reaches its boiling point.
  • Let it steep for a few minutes and let the mixture sit for another 7 minutes.
  • Filter the infusion, drink and then wait for it to work.

To avoid suffering from urticaria on the body, we must eat a balanced diet and consumption of vegetables as well as fruits, drink a good amount of water every day to hydrate our skin and maintain good personal hygiene.

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