How To Calm Menstrual Colic

Menstrual colic occurs when our hormones are out of balance. To prevent them, we need to improve our diet and lifestyle. It is important that we exercise daily, and get enough sleep.

If you’ve never had period pain before, you are really very lucky. The most severe pains are often those caused by menstrual colic.

This is why we are going to talk to you, in this article, about the remedies that will allow you to calm them easily. Remember to see your gynecologist if your period is irregular or very painful.

PMS and menstrual colic

PMS is identified by a wide variety of symptoms, which usually begin in the second half of the menstrual cycle.  These symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Cramps
  • Irritability
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Increased breast tenderness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sudden cravings for food
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • Tired

These symptoms usually occur before your period begins, and gradually go away.

Conversely, menstrual colic can occur throughout the duration of the menstrual cycle.

PMS and menstrual colic

Although many factors can cause these disorders, hormones are the main culprits in the occurrence of menstrual colic.

Changes in the levels of estrogen and progesterone (the hormone produced by the ovaries) control the menstrual cycle in women.

There are some theories that these hormones can interact with certain chemicals in the brain, resulting in all of the symptoms we mentioned.

When these hormones are balanced, menstrual cycle disturbances are mild or nonexistent. But  the problems start when these hormones are not properly dosed. This may be due to diet, lack of exercise, or lifestyle habits in general.

The following methods may benefit you if you suffer from very painful and disturbing menstrual colic every month.

Avoid the consumption of polyunsaturated fats

The body needs fat to regenerate cells and produce hormones.  But it only uses some of them to carry out these processes. Consuming a lot of polyunsaturated fats therefore forces the body to use them.

The problem is that polyunsaturated fats are unstable, and oxidize easily. These oxidized fats then cause inflammation and mutations in the cells.

When cells mix with reproductive tissue, it can cause a condition called endometriosis. It is one of the main causes of menstrual colic.

The fats you should avoid are:

  • Rapeseed oil
  • Soybean oil
  • Margarine

The recommended fats are:

  • Peanut oil
  • Butter
  • Olive oil
  • Fish containing omega 3

Avoid foods that inflame your body

Foods, such as seeds or oils, can create inflammation in the body and thus increase hormonal problems.

How they act depends on each person. However, there is evidence that a diet without seeds can prevent suffering from menstrual colic.

The best solution is to consume:

  • Homemade vegetable broths
  • Soups
  • Meat
  • Healthy fats

Get enough sleep

How to calm menstrual colic: sleep

Sleeping is very important in balancing your hormones.  This will help you extend your life expectancy, achieve an ideal weight, and also reduce menstrual colic.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, try the following good habits:

  • Have a very light dinner,
  • Meditate for half an hour,
  • Do a relaxing activity before going to bed,
  • Drink an infusion, preferably lukewarm.

Get more exercise in your daily life

If you are suffering from a hormonal imbalance, light physical activity can be of great help. The best exercises for this are walking and swimming, which are ideal to do during your menstrual cycle.

But be careful, because excessively strenuous exercises can make the problem worse. Exercise will help you regulate the glucose in your blood, another factor that can cause menstrual colic.

Drink an infusion

A tea, or an infusion, can be the ideal solution to calm menstrual colic.  Pick the one you like the most, and add some honey to it. Among the most suitable options are:

  • Cinnamon ginger infusion
  • Anise infusion
  • Green tea

Take ibuprofen

Many doctors recommend that you take a dose of ibuprofen the day before your menstrual cycle begins. This medication helps relieve stress in the pelvic area, and allows you to spend these few days in a more serene manner.

If your problem is excess tension in that specific area of ​​the body, ibuprofen will help prevent colic during the menstrual cycle.

The extra thing! 
Some people do not want to consume ibuprofen, even though it is not harmful to health. But there are plenty of natural alternatives that will give you relief just as well. Discover them!

If the period discomfort continues, even though you have followed all of these recommendations, see your doctor.

Always keep in mind that menstrual colic can alert us to more serious health issues. So pay attention to any changes that are happening in your body, if the problems persist.

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