How To Control Blood Pressure With Passionflower

Although passionflower can be very effective in helping you control your blood pressure, it is a good idea to consult a specialist before consuming it. Indeed, the latter will be able to advise us on our particular case, mainly if we are undergoing treatment.

Controlling blood pressure with medication is not the only possible solution. There are natural remedies that have many benefits for keeping your blood pressure at an optimal level. Passionflower is one of those allies that will help you take care of this aspect of your health. That is why in this article we wanted to teach you how to prepare an infusion of this plant.

Passion flower, or passion flower, is great for controlling blood pressure. Although it is said to be native to Mexico, this plant was discovered by the Spanish conquistadors in South America in the 16th century. Indeed, it seems that civilizations like those of the Aztecs or the Incas often used it to take advantage of all its virtues.

What is passionflower?

passionflower infusion

Passionflower is a medicinal  climbing plant that grows very quickly. It can reach between 6 and 9 meters high. Its flowers, besides having a particular shape, are large and purple in color.

The fruits of this plant are edible  and delicious, both for animals and for humans. It is the passion fruit, or maracuja. In addition, these fruits are very popular in several countries of America.

Benefits of passionflower to control blood pressure

High blood pressure is a condition that affects many people all over the world. This problem can cause strokes, cardiac arrests, or heart attacks. Although it has hardly any symptoms, hypertension can be perfectly treated, even with natural treatments such as passionflower.

Passionflower has many benefits for our health. For example, it can be used to treat nervousness, insomnia or seizures, among others. It is also an excellent remedy for controlling blood pressure. Passionflower can be consumed as an infusion, tablets or syrups.

This herb acts as a natural sedative and muscle relaxant. Thanks to its contribution of flavonoids and alkaloids, it is very effective in reducing heart rate and blood pressure. Passionflower infusion is an important hypotensive agent, especially if it is combined with other herbs. This natural treatment helps fight the anxiety and stress that are linked to high blood pressure. Indeed, the components of passionflower are present in many commercial products.

How to prepare a passionflower infusion?

Preparing a passionflower infusion is very simple and very fast. You just need to have the plant handy and follow some very easy steps. This will be the same as brewing any other brew you have ever made. Remember that this herb is very helpful in controlling blood pressure. Once you have tested it, you will feel better and you will be guaranteed an ideal alternative to other drugs.


  • 1 tea bag of passionflower or 1 teaspoon of the dried plant (15 gr)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • If you manage to find tea bags of this plant sold in some stores, it will be easier. You will only have to put the water to boil then pour it into a cup and introduce the sachet of passionflower. Exactly as if it were normal tea.
  • If, on the contrary, you manage to get the plant or have it in the garden, the first thing to do is to dry it in the sun for two days.
  • Once this time has elapsed, boil water and add a spoonful of dried passionflower per cup.
  • Let it sit for five to ten minutes, then strain and serve in a mug. It’s ready !

Final remarks

control your blood pressure with passionflower

The best part about this remedy is that it is all natural. You just need to get the plant, sow it at home and prepare your infusions. You will see that, little by little, your blood pressure will regulate itself and you will definitely feel better.

However, although passionflower is a good choice for controlling blood pressure, there are also some contraindications. Indeed, you must consume it in moderation: it is recommended not to drink more than one cup of infusion of this plant per day. Its consumption is also not recommended for pregnant women and young children.

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