How To Lighten Dark Or Stained Armpits

It is important to use a natural exfoliant. Oats remove dead cells, while yogurt cleanses the skin while disinfecting and refreshing it.

Dark or stained armpits are an aesthetic concern for women. But be aware that there are natural alternative solutions to lighten the armpits.

This problem does not usually affect the health of the people who suffer from it. But it causes complexes in some women, especially those with fair skin.

Dark armpits are often the result of poor hygiene in this area of ​​the body. Or excessive sweating, the use of certain deodorants, dead skin cells, hereditary factors, etc.

To obtain satisfactory results with our natural remedies, it is advisable to wash your armpits beforehand. Also avoid deodorants that contain alcohol and razors, and finally maintain a balanced diet and healthy habits.

Read on if you want to know what these armpit whitening treatments are.

How to lighten dark or stained armpits

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an ideal product for removing stains and lightening underarms. It also gives them the clear tone they deserve. This product is found very easily, and also helps to remove bad odors in this part of the body.

lemon juice to lighten the armpits

The lemon

The acidity of lemon helps to remove the dead cells that accumulate under the armpits. This helps to lighten the skin and visibly reduce the spots present in this area. Apply the lemon directly to the stain or soak a cotton ball in lemon juice.

It is important to avoid exposing your armpits to the sun, as this makes them even darker.

Yogurt and oats

Yogurt has disinfectant and cooling properties that help remove dead cells. For its part, oats provide softness, and also acts as a very effective exfoliant that deeply cleanses the skin. This treatment will whiten your armpits and make them look smoother and younger.

To prepare this treatment, all you need to do is mix a plain yogurt with a spoonful of oatmeal. Then apply this treatment to the areas to be treated by performing small massages. Leave on for 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Coconut oil

The vitamin E in coconut oil acts as a natural whitener if used diligently. To obtain visible results, it is advisable to use it daily by performing small massages for 15 minutes, then going to shower.

The vinegar

Vinegar has disinfectant, cleansing and brightening properties. This ingredient is an excellent ally for lightening the armpits. Because it helps to give them a light color by facilitating the elimination of dead cells.

Mix a little apple cider vinegar with rice flour until you get a paste. Apply this treatment for the shower   for 15 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Cucumber whitening cream

Cucumber cream to lighten the armpits

Cucumber is an ingredient rich in vitamin E, water and natural essential oils which help to cleanse and refresh the skin of the armpits. 

Thanks to its moisturizing, exfoliating, and disinfecting properties, this ingredient is ideal for removing stains from the skin, and lightening the armpits when they appear dark.


  • 1 teaspoon of cucumber pulp
  • 2 drops of lemon
  • 1 pinch of turmeric

How to prepare this cream?

Mix all the ingredients well until you get a paste that you will apply to the area to be treated for 15 to 20 minutes, once every three days.

Turmeric may leave some kind of yellow stain under your armpits. But don’t worry, it will go away if you wash it properly or if you rub your armpits with a cotton ball soaked in milk.


Lactic acid is a particularly effective ingredient in reducing dark spots under the armpits. Because it has an exfoliating power which participates in the elimination of dead cells and excess deodorant which are at the origin of this problem. It is advisable to apply the milk using a cotton ball, and then to let it act for ten minutes. Carry out this treatment at least twice a day on a frequent basis to keep the armpits beautiful and clean.

Tips to avoid the appearance of spots under the armpits

  • If you expose your armpits to the sun, apply sun protection appropriate for your skin type.
  • Occasionally use a natural exfoliant to remove excess deodorant and the dead cells that accumulate.
  • Add foods rich in vitamin E and K to your daily diet.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to stay well hydrated.
  • Prefer natural deodorants or those that do not contain perfume or alcohol.

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