How To Make Parsley Soap To Reduce Facial Spots

Parsley is a plant rich in antioxidants which, added to the restorative and exfoliating action of other ingredients, provides us with an ideal natural solution for reducing facial spots. You can use it in the form of a parsley soap.

Spots on the face are a common cosmetic problem in women,  which is usually linked to hormonal imbalances and continued exposure to sunlight.

Their onset is common in adulthood, although they can also appear earlier when the necessary preventive measures are not applied.

The problem is that many women do not know how to take care of their skin, or find it necessary to use expensive products sold in the market.

But all you have to do is adopt certain healthy lifestyle habits. And, in addition, use certain natural ingredients that help reduce them while providing benefits to the skin.

Below we will show you how to prepare an interesting soap with parsley, the composition of which significantly reduces these imperfections.

Don’t hesitate to try it!

Natural soap with parsley to reduce facial spots

Natural parsley soap.

Parsley soap is a natural product that combines the properties of this precious plant with other healthy ingredients. Whose nutritional composition brings benefits to the skin.

This herb, often used in gastronomy, has been used since ancient times for cosmetic purposes. Because, thanks to its properties, it cleanses the pores in depth, eliminates dead skin and reduces the appearance of spots.

  • It contains powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals which, after their assimilation on the skin, stop the negative effects of the free radicals of the sun. While improving the cell repair process.
  • Its vitamin C intake helps maintain collagen and elastin. This decreases the risk of flaccidity and premature wrinkles.
  • Its whitening agents reduce hyper-pigmentation while lightening dark spots that affect the aesthetics of the face.
  • It has an invigorating and refreshing effect which, in addition to firming the skin, helps control swelling and irritation in cases of allergies.
  • Its natural active ingredients also improve circulation on the face. They thus increase the cellular oxygenation process and reduce problems such as dark circles or puffiness.

How to prepare this parsley soap and reduce stains?

Prepare a parsley soap.

Parsley soap is made from a combination of this plant and ingredients that are healthy for the skin, such as:

  • Oats
  • Green tea
  • Milk
  • Honey

This mixture gives a product with lightening, exfoliating and repairing properties which, with regular use, significantly improves the appearance of the skin.

Its application several times a week, preferably in the evening, keeps the face free of all impurities, while gradually reducing spots and imperfections.


  •  1/2 cup of green tea infusion (125 ml)
  • 1/2 cup of parsley infusion (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered milk (20 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (20 g)
  • Two tablespoons of organic honey (50 g)
  • 6 tablespoons of glycerin soap (60 g)


  • Use two or three tablespoons of the herbs to prepare the infusions, with half a cup of each.
  • Once they are warm or at a good temperature, stir in the powdered milk, oatmeal and honey.
  • Mix everything with a wooden utensil and until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
  • Set aside, take the glycerin soap and melt it in a double boiler.
  • When it is liquid, turn off the heat and mix it with the other ingredients until it cools.
  • Put the product in molds then let it sit for 2 or 3 hours so that it solidifies.

Method of application

Application of parsley soap.

As it is a natural soap and without preservatives, it should not be soaked in water because it loses its consistency very easily.

  • Instead, wet your hands and rub them together until you get a lather.
  • Make sure you are cleansed.
  • Rub the product on the stained areas of the face and leave on for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water and use it, at least 4 times a week.
  • Complete its application with the daily use of a moisturizer and sun protection.

Ready to try it? Do not hesitate !

Prepare this artisanal soap at home and discover an economical and natural ally to significantly reduce these spots which tend to affect the beauty of your skin.

By using it regularly you will be able to provide your face with a surplus of nutrients to keep it firm, young and without deterioration.

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