How To Prepare An Oil Flavored With Rosemary And Garlic

In addition to adding flavor to our dishes, with this oil we can combine the nutrients of garlic, rosemary and olive oil in one ingredient.

The use of flavored oil is increasingly popular in gastronomy, not only because they facilitate the use of herbs and spices, but also because they improve the nutritional qualities of high quality oils. .

They are often used to flavor meats, vegetables, and other various dishes for which we want to improve the flavor.

The best part is that, due to the properties of these ingredients, we provide the body with important benefits for improving health and preventing disease.

Knowing that many people have never tried before, we offer you a flavored oil recipe made with rosemary and garlic.

Enjoy it!

Rosemary and garlic flavored oil

Rosemary and garlic flavored oil has become one of the popular products in Mediterranean cuisine.

It is obtained by macerating rosemary and garlic in extra virgin olive oil.

This combination of ingredients concentrates powerful antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins and minerals, which, after being assimilated by the body, help to improve many aspects of health.

Benefits of rosemary

Benefits of rosemary in flavored oil.

Rosemary is one of the herbs that has been used in cooking and natural medicine for hundreds of years.

  • Its special flavor allows us to season meat dishes, sauces, soups and many other traditional recipes.
  • It contains caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid, which give it powerful antioxidant effects that protect the body.
  • It is usually used for the treatment of digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Its composition rich in carnosic acid gives it neuro-protective properties, which reduces memory loss and the risk of Alzheimer’s.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties which, in addition to relieving joint pain, help improve blood circulation.

The benefits of garlic

AI is a must in the kitchen, as its distinctive flavor and aroma enhance the flavor of many dishes.

  • It stands out as one of the most powerful natural antibiotics. Because its compounds have the capacity to destroy and slow down the growth of several pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Its active compound, allicin, gives it antioxidant properties that can be used as a supplement to relieve different types of diseases.
  • It helps protect cells against the effects of oxidative stress and prevents, among other things, the deterioration of cognitive functions.
  • It is a beneficial ingredient for patients with high cholesterol because it helps regulate their levels.
  • Its strong composition of vitamins and minerals strengthens the immune system. It also reduces the risk of respiratory problems and autoimmune diseases.

The benefits of extra virgin olive oil

Benefits of olive oil in flavored oil.

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthy fatty acids that everyone should include in their daily diet.

  • It is composed of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help regulate cholesterol levels to prevent the development of cardiovascular disease.
  • Its absorption helps to increase the levels of good cholesterol (HDL). And, as if that weren’t enough, it controls high triglycerides.
  • It provides significant amounts of vitamin E. An antioxidant nutrient that helps prevent arterial deterioration caused by free radicals.
  • It has digestive and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve constipation, heartburn, and abdominal swelling.
  • Ideal for preventing deterioration of joints and muscles.
  • Due to its high energy value, it helps us improve metabolic functions and lose weight.

How to prepare this flavored oil?

Rosemary and garlic flavored oil.

If you want to enjoy all the benefits of these ingredients and, by the way, give a special touch to your dishes, we suggest you prepare this delicious flavored oil at home.


  • 3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup olive oil (200 g)


  • Glass jar with lid
  • Fabric strainer


  • To start, wash the rosemary sprigs well and dry them in the sun.
  • Then, when they are dry, cut them into several pieces and place them in a glass jar.
  • Then cut the garlic into several slices or crush it in a mortar.
  • Add it to the mixture and cover it all with a cup of olive oil.
  • Seal the bottle and then let the oil soak for 30 days in a dry, dark place.
  • Meanwhile, shake the jar from time to time so that the ingredients combine well.
  • After the recommended time, filter the oil through a cloth strainer and continue to use it.


  • Sprinkle your salads, soups and recipes with oil with vegetables.
  • Use it also for the preparation of your meats and fish.

Are you ready to add it to your dishes? As you can see, this is a simple and healthy recipe that allows you to make your meals taste better.

You will be delighted!

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