How To Purify Your Emotions?

All negative emotions are not harmful, but we must control them. The ups and downs and loss of control can be really bad for our emotional well-being.

The process of detoxification, or bodily cleansing, is familiar to all of us. But it is also very important to regularly purify our emotions.

From time to time, you often have to do a few exercises. Drinking certain beverages or eating foods that allow you to flush out the toxins that build up in your body.

We all know that it is necessary to do this regularly. Because we can develop many diseases or encounter difficulties on a daily basis.

However, many people ignore that toxicity doesn’t have to be physical, and it can be mental as well. Every day we build up tension, stress, anxiety, anger, concerns. That is to say, we feed our mind with healthy products, but also unhealthy products.

This generates relationship problems and negative thoughts that prevent our correct development.

We have to purify our emotions with the will not to close our eyes. And don’t ignore all the things that are going on in our hearts.

5 toxic emotions we need to cleanse

Not all negative emotions are bad for our mind. Anger and sadness are normal emotions, which play their part in our mental construction.

However, losing control over our reactions, even when it comes to joy or euphoria, can be very damaging to our emotional well-being.

It is for this reason that it is important to control our emotions, so that they do not become pathological.

Thus, a reaction of nervousness should not turn into uncontrollable anger. Deep sadness should not turn into a form of depression, which is very dangerous for mental health.

Likewise, we cannot allow resentment, guilt, or dissatisfaction to turn into permanent emotional states. Because their effects are highly toxic to our health.

Here are the emotions you need to master:

  • Anger: it can help protect us. But it is certain that there is a limit which we must not exceed. In addition, getting angry frequently increases the risk of having a cardiovascular event by 75%. Because this emotional state keeps our body in a very dangerous loss of control.
  • Resentment: Being unable to move on and forgive blocks us in the past. And so it is the past that will determine our present and our future, causing constant emotional pain.
  • Dissatisfaction:  Being dissatisfied can help us improve.
    However, when this emotional state becomes constant, we lose the will to live and we get stuck in a vicious cycle, in which we perpetuate our own dissatisfaction.
  • Guilt:  Feeling guilty fills our minds with constant reproach, complaints, laments, and concerns.
    As a result, we lose a lot of self-esteem and deny ourselves the opportunity to flourish.
  • Fear: it can obviously be useful to us to put us on alert in the face of a risk that endangers our integrity.
    However, it can also prevent us from moving forward and set us insane limits. And these decrease our feelings and our ability to react.

How to purify our emotions?

First of all, it is important to point out that we need a little time to detoxify ourselves. Just like when you drink excess alcohol, you are going to need quite a bit of recovery time.

Emotional recovery is a mixture of guilt, constant anger, difficulty sleeping, uncontrollable sadness, etc.

But, don’t worry because identifying these behaviors and emotions is the first step on the road to recovery. By knowing this, you can stop drowning in your negative emotions, and you can then begin to purify your emotions.

The symptoms of your poisoning will go away, and your feelings will return to normal.

1. Become the conscious observer of your emotions

We all need to understand that when we are under the influence of our emotions and insecurities our state of mind deteriorates dramatically.

We misinterpret the things that are going on around us. And we tend to say or do things that we are going to regret afterwards.

When faced with these problems, the most important thing is to be aware that we are drunk with emotions. And that we must take the time to purify and accept them.

Do you regularly feel dissatisfied, irritable or guilty? Do you overreact when things don’t turn out the way you hoped?

If you want, you can start writing an emotional diary. You will point your finger at the emotions that you experience each day in an intense way.

Try to spot these overreactions in your daily life and give them a name.

If you learn to identify these five emotions quickly, you will realize how much influence they have on you.

You will be able to take a step back from the situation and this will be very beneficial for your mental health.

Give yourself the right to feel

2. Give yourself the right to feel emotions

It is sometimes difficult to accept and experience certain emotions because we often spend our time denying them.

We must learn not to be afraid of it and to be sincere with ourselves.

This is the only way to be able to control them and not fall back under their yoke again.

3. Get on an emotional diet

Stop consuming emotions that are hurting you.

Forget about complaints and victimization, anger and resentment, guilt and fear, and all the emotions that plague you.

The path of life can be difficult for someone addicted to their emotions. But it is even more difficult to force yourself to move forward, and not see progress in achieving your goals.

The only way to overcome this terrible straitjacket is to realize that there is something deep inside that feeds our fear, and that prevents us from achieving our goals.

Being afraid of one’s own goals is something that is directly related to our inability to tolerate uncertainty.

We are filled with worries because we do not have confidence in our ability to face our future.

It is for this reason that it is advisable to carry out an emotional purification regularly.

In this way, we decide to stop living in the discomfort generated by intoxication, and which prevents us from being happy.

We are sick of certainty. We need everything to be perfect, organized, and tested hundreds of times.

This generates an accumulation of toxins which unbalances our inner life and prevents us from being at peace with ourselves.

If you are intoxicated, keep in mind that you are the only person who can prevent the situation from escalating.

Once and for all, win the battle against your inner demons!

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