How To Relieve Constipation With Juice?

People who have it are not able to defecate in the usual way, either because they have to exert more effort to do so, or because they do not feel the need to defecate. do for 3 days or more.

Thanks to the fiber content of its ingredients, this juice is ideal for fighting constipation and all the discomforts associated with it, such as swelling and gas.

Constipation is a digestive disorder that is characterized by a slowdown in bowel movement, resulting in an inability to pass stool, which tends to be hard and dry.

In many cases, constipation is accompanied by abdominal pain and inflammation, in addition to gas, heaviness, and other bothersome symptoms that can worsen if not taken care of in time.

Its onset is linked to diets low in fiber and fluids, but it can also occur due to stress, hormonal changes or sedentary lifestyle.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies that help control it because their combination of ingredients provide the body with the nutrients it needs for an optimal digestive process.

Among these remedies is plum, fennel and flaxseed juice which, thanks to its laxative properties, safely controls this problem.

Don’t hesitate to try it!

Plum, fennel seed and flaxseed juice to relieve constipation

The ingredients that we mix in this delicious natural juice allow us to provide the body with more fiber and antioxidant compounds, which promote bowel activity.

Its depurative and laxative properties help to eliminate the residues accumulated in the colon. In addition, it feeds the healthy bacteria that inhabit it.

The benefits of plums

Plums help relieve constipation.

For many decades, plums have been one of the most widely used natural remedies for sluggish digestion.

  • Plums contain a significant amount of insoluble fiber, which helps to bulk up the stool to facilitate their elimination.
  • They also contain soluble fiber which, when absorbed in the body, improves bowel movement and helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL).
  • These fruits are low in calories and, thanks to their mineral supply, they are also ideal for fighting inflammation and water retention.

The benefits of fennel

Fennel, and especially its seeds, is a digestive and anti-inflammatory ingredient that has become popular as a supplement for relieving constipation.

  • Its active compounds help improve intestinal mobility while facilitating the evacuation of retained waste.
  • It promotes the digestion of irritating and large meals, and therefore reduces acidity, reflux and inflammation.
  • It relieves abdominal pain and prevents excessive gas formation .

The benefits of flax seeds

Thanks to their high mucilage content, flax seeds are now known as an excellent remedy for digestive difficulties.

  • These substances form a gelatinous paste. The latter  helps to moisten and increase the volume of stool while facilitating their passage through the intestine.
  • They improve bowel movement, which is very important for eliminating waste.
  • It should also be mentioned that they provide, among other things, alpha linoleic acid. It is an omega 3 fatty acid that fights inflammation, poor circulation and excess cholesterol.

How to prepare this juice to relieve constipation?

How to prepare this juice to relieve constipation?

If you are looking for a gentle and natural formula to fight constipation, do not hesitate to make this homemade juice with plums, fennel seeds and flax seeds.

Its consumption will allow you to restore normal evacuations while facilitating the detoxification of your body.


  • 6 large plums
  • 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds (5 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of soaked flax seeds (20 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of soaked hemp seeds (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • In separate bowls, introduce the flax and hemp seeds to soak, from the day before.
  • The next day, boil the plums in a cup of water and when they come to a boil, add the fennel seeds.
  • Reduce the heat and cook the ingredients for 10 minutes.
  • Then let the water cool and transfer everything to the blender.
  • Add the soaked seeds and mix at maximum speed.
  • Finally, mix all the ingredients for a few moments, until you get a smooth drink.

Consumption method

Drink this juice on an empty stomach for at least 5 days in a row.

Did you like the recipe? If you have a slow digestion or difficulty evacuating, then prepare this healthy drink. You will find that it is very good for your gut health.

Try supplementing your intake with a diet rich in fiber and water for best results.

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