How To Remove Or Reduce Scars?

Even if the treatments we offer are effective, you should not use them at the same time if you do not want to cancel their effects.

Almost all of us have one or more scars that come either from surgery, acne, or an accident, the traces of which do not fade.  Whatever the cause and even if the scars are not very visible, we are always on the search for the simple and effective remedy which could erase these unwanted marks.

We would like to remedy this inexpensively and above all without subjecting our skin to treatments that could damage it further.

To put an end to this problem of unsightly marks, we allow ourselves to give you the recipe of some natural remedies that can help you. To make them disappear or at least to reduce them!

Baking soda

We will use baking soda to achieve a natural microdermabrasion, by proceeding as follows:

  • Dilute five parts bicarbonate in one part water. Mix well until a paste is obtained with which a light massage is carried out on the scar. Leave to dry on the skin, then rinse off with lukewarm water about two minutes later.

This treatment can be done twice a week.

Lemon juice

Lemon contains citric acid, a component that is particularly effective in erasing scars.  You must first clean the surface to be treated, then apply the lemon juice using a cotton disc. Then just leave for ten minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

When doing a lemon treatment, it is important to avoid exposure to the sun, as spots could appear on the skin, which would only make the condition worse. It is recommended to only apply it at bedtime.

The aloe vera

Aloe vera has wonderful moisturizing properties and makes the skin elastic, lowers inflammation, reduces scars and gum.

This plant is one of the best known among those used for natural treatments to erase scars. It is easy to find because it is cultivated all over the world.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is great for erasing scars by natural means. Besides its extraordinary effects on scars, it is one of the best moisturizers that nature offers us. We can therefore treat the skin in depth and more quickly.

Olive oil against scars

Good quality extra virgin olive oil won’t clog pores and cleanses the skin by removing dead cells.

Massage the affected part with a little of this oil, leave to act overnight and then wash off with lukewarm water the next morning, Thus, the scar will gradually fade and the skin will become soft and velvety!

It is important not to carry out all these treatments simultaneously, because the skin will suffer from irritation in the precise place being treated.

Simply choose the method that appeals to you more or the one that seems most suitable for your scar.

Also remember that while it is about natural treatments, you must act with caution and follow the recommendations to the letter. Because if they are applied incorrectly, they can have the opposite effect!

Let yourself be guided and be sure that the results will be satisfactory.

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