How To Speed Up Metabolism And Lose Weight?

When it comes to losing weight, it’s quite a ordeal. Annoying, right? This is why we must speed up the metabolism. 

It’s no secret that many of us find it difficult to exercise regularly. We also gain weight too easily, during the Christmas holidays for example. That is why we must speed up the metabolism.

When it comes to losing weight, it’s quite an ordeal. Annoying, right? The important thing is to have good health in order to obtain a body that pleases us aesthetically and in which we feel good.

If we are successful in controlling our metabolism, we can become very physically active. It will give us more confidence in ourselves. We will also be less prone to depression and will have more vitality in the face of daily tasks.

We will be able to feel much more energetic!

Why speed up the metabolism?

Everyone is asking this question, here we have the answer. The faster your metabolism, the more fat your body will burn or the stronger it will have to do so.

If, on the other hand, you have a inherently slow metabolism, taking medication or dieting will not help.

This is why it is very important to apply the recommendations that we are going to tell you in this article.

Recommendations to speed up your metabolism and lose weight

Eat breakfast every day

Breakfast helps us wake up our metabolism. This will allow us to burn more calories throughout the day.

Breakfast keeps blood glucose and insulin levels up. This therefore provides better resistance to any other type of less healthy food that we can ingest during the day.

Control your fat levels

Scientific studies have shown that we burn significantly more calories when we eat foods low in fat.

It is recommended to consume foods rich in protein and carbohydrates. They therefore cause greater expenditure in calories than foods high in fat.

This can be one of the explanations why some people who consume little food do not succeed in losing weight.

If they consume little food but these are high in fat (unlike proteins or carbohydrates), they will not lose weight.

Exercise on an empty stomach

speed up metabolism with walking

You have to be very careful with this recommendation because it is often the professionals, under medical supervision, who practice it.

Better to do it on the weekends. It is also necessary to control the appetite well so as not to arrive at work already exhausted and starved.

This workout is designed to reduce muscle glucose and glycogen stores. By using the fats that serve as fuel and energy during exercise, it helps to burn them.

Don’t go on low calorie diets

If you want to lose weight, the idea is to have expended more calories than you consume at the end of the day.

Eating helps burn energy to absorb, transport, store, and metabolize food. This generates an effort called thermal and increases the metabolism at rest between 8 and 16% for two or three hours after each meal.

This is why the idea is to eat properly so that your metabolism is not sluggish. Indeed, if you eat badly your body will not be able to burn the accumulated fat and you will not lose weight.

Organize your daily meals well to speed up metabolism

Organize your daily meals well

Aside from breakfast, lunch, and dinner, add four other little boosts to your diet. This will ensure a good diet and increase the energy expended in the combustion of food.

This will increase your calorie expenditure and keep your metabolism active.

Obviously, these “nudges” don’t have to be heavy foods. Thus, it is advisable to consume products low in calories and high in fiber.

Drink a lot of water

Water helps you cleanse and flush out toxins that can promote fat buildup (it’s like having a magical effect on us).

Hydrating ourselves properly can increase our metabolism rate by 30% over the next hour, burning approximately 24 calories.

Eat spicy to speed up the metabolism

eat and pee to speed up the metabolism

Adding hot foods in our preparations, such as curry, cayenne pepper, black pepper, cumin, among others, helps to increase the rate with which the body burns fat.

These spices indeed lead to better energy expenditure just by generating heat, which accelerates the energy combustion of food. Perfect for speeding up the metabolism.

Work your muscles

You don’t have to be a gym fanatic. You can do some dumbbell exercises at home daily, without it being very strenuous.

Gradually, you will build muscle and this will help you burn fat, and therefore lose weight. This is how to speed up the metabolism.

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