“I Can’t Stand Going To College Anymore”: Diego, 11, Commits Suicide Because Of Bullying At School

Bullying or bullying at school is a reality in our society. To eradicate it, the first step is to recognize its existence and that it can affect people of all ages.

In Spain, Diego, a child of only 11 years old, decided to kill himself on October 14, 2015, because of bullying at school. The reason ? School bullying. In the rest of this article, we tell you this very sad story and we explain why it is necessary to reflect on this problem.

Unfortunately, in today’s society, many people of all ages suffer or have suffered from bullying or bullying at school. A fact that undoubtedly had an impact in their life, both physical and psychological.

But how is such a young child able to make such a decision?  It is not so much losing your life at such a young age that raises questions. We wonder above all about how institutions such as the children’s college and social services have not realized the daily reality of this child.

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a report not long ago in which it presented thought-provoking information. For example, nearly 600,000 young people around the world aged between 14 and 28 commit suicide each year, and half of them, because of bullying at school.

School bullying and the farewell to an exceptional child

Diego lived in Leganés, a district of Madrid where he spent his 11 years of life. He decided to put an end to it because he no longer wanted to grow up, nor to feel suffering, nor to continue to suffer the attacks and pressures of these school mates.

When he felt he couldn’t continue, he decided to jump from the balcony of his apartment on the fifth floor.

Some believe that suicide is an act of cowardice, as it would indicate that people do not know how to deal with the difficulties in life. But who are we to trivialize facts through criticism?

Diego’s story is a serious example of  bullying. This is why Diego’s parents decided to publish the farewell letter that their son left them, denouncing this affair in front of the president of the Community of Madrid and the Education Councilor.

The case of Diego, a good student who did not want to go to college

Diego had good grades and his parents were proud of him. Yet he only seemed happy when it was summer and he didn’t have to go to class then.

His mother explained that sometimes when she picked him up from college, he would ask her to run away quickly, as if to run away from someone or something.

His parents also remember the 4 months he was voiceless. Nervous aphonia, according to the doctor, which was certainly due to shock.

  • However, the family never knew what their child feared and what he was going through on a daily basis in college.
  • On the other hand, when the investigation was carried out, the college explained that the child did not present any particular problem and that no one had reported any incident.

This shows that, sometimes, the means of a college are not sufficient to detect an abuse. On the other hand, teachers and students perfectly notice a child’s sadness. They observe, listen and are silent.

Today, there is no one responsible who can be tried for Diego’s death. It is therefore essential to highlight the seriousness of school bullying, which costs the lives of many children.

Diego’s farewell letterbullying

Before committing suicide, Diego wrote a farewell letter to his parents. He also left a note that said “Take care of Lucho” on the window sill from which he rushed into the void.

Lucho was his favorite plush. A silent figure who kept the last words of this unhappy 11 year old child. Diego bids farewell to his family in an admirable, moving and mature way. Diego was, without a shadow of a doubt, an exceptional boy.

Here are the few lines that Diego left with his family:

“Dad, mom, these 11 years that I lived with you were very beautiful and I will never forget them, as I will never forget you. Dad, you taught me to be a good person and to keep my promises. Besides, you played a lot with me. Mom, you took good care of me and took me to lots of places. You are both amazing people and you are the best parents in the world. 

Auntie, you put up with a lot for me and for dad. I am very grateful to you and I love you very much. Grandpa, you were always very generous with me and you worried about me. I love you so much. Lolo, you helped me a lot with my homework and always behaved well with me. Hope you can see Eli.

I’m telling you all this because I can’t stand going to college anymore and there is no other way to stop going. Hope one day you can hate me a little less. I ask you not to separate, mom and dad. Seeing you together and happy will make me happy.

I will miss you and hope that one day we can meet again in heaven. I bid you farewell forever. 

Signed: Diego. Ah, one last thing: I hope you find a job soon, Tata. ”

Diego González.

Some pillars to avoid bullying at school

It is impossible to read these lines without being moved, without putting yourself in Diego’s parents’ shoes and without understanding what they went through. It is important that each of us, according to our realities and possibilities, become aware of the reality of bullying at school. We must therefore reflect on the following aspects:

  • It is vital to educate your children in emotional intelligence, in empathy, and in the recognition and respect of others as of oneself.
  • It is also important to know how to detect aggressive behavior in classrooms, on the streets and at home, and report it.
  • In addition, it is important to know how to listen to the victims without excluding them or putting them aside. It is also necessary to know how to offer them defense strategies, to strengthen their self-esteem and to succeed in giving them back a taste for life, for their future and for their dreams.
  • We also need to understand that school bullying doesn’t just happen in the classroom. Today, bullying is also present on social networks, this virtual space to which children have access.

We unfortunately know that Diego’s death will not be the last. This is what the WHO figures tell us. However, we hope that the number of suicides will decrease each year and we will all be a part of this success.

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