Ideas For Recycling Glass Jars

There are many possibilities to reuse old glass jars. Read on and discover some amazing ideas for recycling and creating various items for your home!

Many products are now sold in glass jars. Once the content used, the conten ants are thrown and put  years to die sagréger It is also an increasingly important problem with regard to the amount of waste that we generate.

The best ideas for recycling glass jars

A good idea is to give them a new use. I ls come into effect in different shapes and sizes,  which expands the possibilities of creating new objects. We will therefore give you, below, some ideas so that you can create decorative and useful objects simply with glass jars that you will no longer use.

glass jars for making flower pots

1. Lamps

You can light up a part of your house with a few glass jars and give it a rustic and modern touch. These lamps indeed look great above kitchen counters or the dining table. You will need very few items and the results will be fabulous.

What’s needed :

  • Glass jars with their lids (4)
  • Knife
  • Cable with lamps (4)

How to proceed:

  • First, take the lid of each jar p uis make a hole in the center with the knife.
  • Then pass the cable through the hole and leave the bulb inside the jar.
  • V issez then the plug on e glass jar .

2. Vases

There is nothing like decorating a space with flowers. Besides their beauty, the flowers will bring brightness and a pleasant aroma. Three elements will be enough for you to create a beautiful vase in less than 5 minutes.

What’s needed :

  • Large glass jar
  • Rustic rope
  • Glue
  • Some water
  • Flowers

How to proceed :

  • Put glue around the jar.
  • P lace then the rope on the glue and make the round of the glass jar .
  • When you are finished, place water in the jar.
  • Finally, mettez- are the flowers of your choice .

3. Desk organizer

It is essential, when we study or work; to have an office in order and have all paid to elements  of  hand  to avoid distractions . 5 simple jars will therefore allow you to store pencils, markers, rulers, scissors and other supplies that you will use.

What’s needed :

  • Glass jars (5)
  • Glue

How to proceed :

  • First of all put 3 jars in a vertical position .
  • Then glue them together with the glue.
  • C ollez then the other 2 at the intersection of those previously glued.
  • Then place the office supplies in each jar according to your personal taste.

4. Cutlery organizer

Here’s a great idea if after washing dishes and cutlery you waste time drying them. You can then place them there after washing them and wait for them to dry on their own.

What’s needed :

  • Medium Glass Jars (3)
  • Glue
  • A marker

How to proceed :

  • First glue the 3 jars with glue.
  • Then take the marker and draw a fork on one.
  • D essinez then spoon over the other.
  • Then, finally, draw a knife on the last one.
  • Leave to dry.

5. Photo holder

One other way to decorate your home is to place the pictures in glass jars and thus obtain the original great portraits. You can also combine different sizes of photos with different shapes and sizes of jars. This completely changes the look of the photos. Don’t hesitate to try this idea!

What’s needed :

  • Glass jars in various shapes and sizes (to choose from)
  • Photographs (same quantity as the number of jars)
  • Rustic rope
  • Decorative ribbons
  • Glue

How to proceed :

  • Place a photo in each jar so that the image can be seen through the glass.
  • Then decorate a few jars with the rustic rope as you wish and then fix it with glue.
  • D écorez other jars with an adhesive tape. T erminez by tying a knot.

ideas for recycling glass jars

6. Centerpieces

You can create a centerpiece with 2 or 3 glass jars that you no longer use. It will bring elegance and a romantic touch to your living room.

What’s needed :

  • Glass jars or jars (3)
  • Small stones
  • Decorative candles smaller than jars (3)
  • Rustic rope (1 meter)

How to proceed :

  • First,  take a jar and then go around the neck twice with the rope Tie a knot to finish.
  • Then place the stones inside the jar, up to halfway.
  • Then place a candle in the center.
  • Repeat the procedure with the other two glass jars.
  • Finally, place the three jars in the center of the table.

So do not throw away your glass jars and use them to renew the decoration of your home with these simple tips.

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