Improve Liver And Gallbladder Function

Drinking dandelion tea after eating can aid digestion, optimize liver function as well as fight headaches and inflammations.

The liver and the gallbladder are two interconnected organs that perform certain common functions. The two are found in the right part of the abdomen, and are united by ducts called the bile ducts.

Without a doubt, the liver performs the most vital function in our body.

It purifies, synthesizes hormones and enzymes, and stores glycogen, iron, copper, and vitamin A.

It is also responsible for destroying old cells or viruses and bacteria determined through Kupffer cells, similar to white blood cells.

On the other hand, the gallbladder is responsible for storing the bile secreted in the liver,  in order to improve the digestive process and absorb nutrients.

Thus, it is essential to maintain a good quality of life and to adopt a healthy diet  so that the liver fulfills its functions and that it can help the gallbladder to achieve optimal digestion.

In this article, we invite you to discover 5 ways to optimize the functions of the liver and gallbladder. Do you take note? 

1. Fasting treatments

apple water and cinnamon

There are 3 very suitable ways to start your day. Thanks to them, you will succeed in purifying your body to make it more alkaline.

This will allow the liver and gallbladder to work better.

A glass of lukewarm water with lemon

It is important that the water is always lukewarm to facilitate the purification of our body. To make this remedy, just squeeze half a lemon and put it in the glass of water that you will take on an empty stomach.

You can follow this treatment for 4 days in a row and combine it with the remedies that we will detail in the following lines.

A spoonful of olive oil with a few drops of lemon

The combination of olive oil and lemon stimulates the production of bile and at the same time, mineralizes and strengthens the liver thanks to its high content of vitamin C. 

A glass of organic apple juice

The apple contains malic acid, minerals and vitamins, very suitable for cleaning the liver.

In this case, it is recommended to drink two glasses of organic apple juice on an empty stomach for two days in a row, and to wait at least half an hour before having breakfast. 

2. The remedy with grapefruit, garlic and ginger

This combination may seem a little surprising to you, given the strong taste of each of its ingredients.

The antibiotic properties of garlic and the anti-inflammatory principles of ginger,  together with the high vitamin C and mineral content of grapefruit,  form a very suitable remedy for treating the liver and gallbladder.


  • A grapefruit,
  • 5 g of grated fresh ginger,
  • A clove of garlic,
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml),
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g).


  • The first thing to do is to grate the ginger to obtain 5 grams of it.
    Then, in a mortar, chop it with the garlic so that the two ingredients mix well.
  • Now squeeze the grapefruit.
  • The next step is simple: In the blender, mix the grapefruit, honey, ginger and crushed garlic well.
    Add a little water, and when the mixture is homogeneous, let stand for 15 minutes.
  • Drink this remedy twice a week before going to sleep. 

We must not forget that our liver performs many purifying functions in the evening, thanks to the help of the lymphatic system.

We can thus optimize its work thanks to this very simple remedy. 

3. Yes to dandelion infusion!

  • Dandelion is an  excellent herbal remedy for treating liver and gallbladder problems.
  • It improves our digestion, increases the production of bile, optimizes the function of the liver and fights against inflammation, headaches and general discomfort.
  • The best time to take a good dandelion tea is 10 minutes after the main meal of the day.
    Just prepare an infusion with 10 grams of dandelion in a glass of water, and sweeten with a little honey. You will love! 

4. The revitalizing salad for the liver and gallbladder


The salad that we are going to present to you will help you strengthen and purify your organism.

The nutrients from these plants are the most suitable for taking care of the liver and for strengthening the health of the gallbladder.

Take note of what you will need:


  • 50 g of red cabbage cut into pieces,
  • 50 g of chopped white cabbage,
  • A small grated carrot, fresh and raw,
  • 50 g of chopped baby spinach,
  • 3 nuts,
  • ½ avocado,
  • A little chopped parsley,
  • 8 raisins,
  • A little fennel,
  • ½ pear.


Just clean all the ingredients well and cut them into small, very fine pieces.

We must first of all choose fresh fruits and vegetables and eat them raw, because this is how they will bring us the most benefits.

Put all the ingredients in a bowl and season with a little olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. This is delicious !

5. Barley water


Barley water is very useful to fight against stress, anxiety and to purify our organism.

It is rich in nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, in addition to multiple vitamins that provide us with an alkalizing and remineralizing effect.

Here’s how to prepare it:


  • 25 g of barley grains,
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml),
  • 2 g of cinnamon,
  • The juice of half a lemon,
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (25 g).


  • Start by cleaning the barley grains, using a colander. 
  • Then put them to boil in water for at least half an hour or until the grains are tender.
  • When they are ready, filter the water. Sweeten the infusion obtained with cinnamon and honey and finally add the juice of half a lemon. Drink this remedy lukewarm, in the middle of the afternoon. You will feel in better shape!

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