Lose The Pounds And Not The Head With This Flexible Diet

If your goal is to lose weight, it is very important not to skip meals, as it could be counterproductive. In addition, you must consume enough water not to confuse thirst with hunger.

Can you lose pounds easily? For most people who want to lose weight, this is a serious problem that is not always easy to solve. If this is your case, discover today in this article a flexible diet that will help you a lot in losing those extra pounds.

How to lose pounds by following a flexible diet? For this, we have developed several menu choices thanks to which you can vary the ingredients without having to complicate your life.

Do you think it’s not that simple? Well, find out in this article how to lose pounds with this flexible and delicious diet.


This flexible diet obviously starts with breakfast. The latter aims to recharge your energy as soon as you wake up. Lose weight while giving your body the energy it needs to wake up and perform its basic functions.

Regarding the choice of protein, we recommend that you keep it as fresh as possible. In other words, avoid processed meats and fish.

Choose ham and cheese, and preferably those with less salt and preservatives. Turkey ham is a good alternative because most of the time it contains very little salt.

You can mix together any veg you like, as long as you follow the recommended amount. You will have no difficulty preparing vegetables or a different salad every day. Another option is to replace the toast with whole grain bread and make a sandwich.

  • 1 serving of meat, ham, chicken, cheese or fish + 1 cup of vegetables of your choice + 2 pieces of toast.


You can lose pounds by giving your body the right amount of energy. This will prevent your body from needing to accumulate fat to fight fatigue.

By mid-morning, or a few hours after breakfast, you will probably start to feel hungry. Even if it is not, it will allow you to divide the food portions into several different small meals during the day.

You can choose between these two options:

  • ½ cup of fruit and ½ cup of yogurt (100 g)
  • 3 cups of natural popcorn (33 g)

Noon lunchflexible scheme

Although we recommend consuming green salad, you can substitute it with any vegetables of your choice. Remember that the more colors you have on your plate, the more chances you have for losing weight.

However, you will need to be very careful about carbohydrates or carbohydrates. It is important to avoid consuming bread if you have had beans, rice, or pasta before. Also, you shouldn’t mix two different types of carbohydrates.

Your menu can be supplemented with the following foods:

  • 2 cups of green salad (60 g) + 1 serving of lean meat + ½ cup of beans, rice or pasta

In case you still have a bit of an appetite, help yourself to another serving or half a serving of vegetables. Also, don’t forget to drink water. Sometimes you may think that you are still hungry but it is only thirst and you do not notice the difference.

In the afternoon

Lose pounds by not starving yourself. Although after lunch it is advisable to include light foods, you should still avoid going hungry. If you don’t, your body will start to store fat to give you the energy you need.

We recommend that you try mixing different foods until you find your favorite flavors. Always avoid industrially prepared seasonings at all costs.

You can choose between the following options:

  • 1 cup of green salad with the juice of 1 lemon, 1 pinch of salt and chili powder.
  • 1 fruit and a little low-calorie cheese (30 g)
  • In case you don’t want cheese, you can replace it with 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese (45 g) or 1 cup of yogurt (200 g).

If you go for the salad, but don’t want any chili or lemon, you can season it with a little olive oil or if you prefer, with some spices and herbs.

For dinnerflexible scheme

Lose extra pounds with a balanced and light dinner. It is recommended that your dinner be as light as possible because you are going to sleep and your energy expenditure will be very low.

If you have diabetes, avoid very sweet fruits (like bananas or pineapples). Instead, choose an apple or pear that has less sugar.

You can choose for the evening between these three different menus:

  • 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese (45 g) + 1 fruit
  • 1 cup of steamed vegetables (180 g) + a roasted chicken breast + a slice of toast
  • 1 cup of yogurt (200 ml) + 1 pinch of cinnamon powder + 1 fruit

What do you think ? Do you want to try this diet? Start now and lose pounds without complicating your life too much.

You will notice marked improvements in your appearance and health within a few weeks. And best of all, thanks to this diet, you will not go hungry.

Excessive fat intake is the main cause of overweight, heart disease, and other metabolic disorders. All of these factors can cause health complications and decrease your quality of life.

While it’s not easy to change overnight, there are a few simple tips that can make your job easier. Discover them all and start putting them into practice with this low-calorie diet.

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