Lose Weight With Eggplant And Lemon Water

We all know the great health benefits of eggplant but did you know that combined with lemon, it is even more potent? In this article, we will tell you how to prepare eggplant water.

Many call it “miraculous water”. This is a really simple recipe that not only helps us lose weight but also fuel up for the day.

Why is eggplant good for weight loss? What are its benefits ?

Benefits of eggplant water.

Its benefits are very numerous. Consuming eggplants frequently allows you to control your figure and weight while ensuring the necessary intake of nutrients, minerals, fiber and vitamins. Read instead:

  • It helps us to improve our circulation, especially thanks to its high content of vitamin E, a great antioxidant containing anthocyanins, which prevents many heart diseases and stimulates blood flow.
  • Eggplant is a great diuretic.
  • Eggplant is composed of very few calories, is very high in water and is therefore an essential part of any weight loss diet.
  • It has a high potassium content and a little sodium, which are excellent for our nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Remember, eggplant helps us cleanse our body by lowering blood sugar levels. It is therefore ideal for diabetics.
  • Eggplant helps us lower cholesterol, since it absorbs fat from the foods that are eaten with it. It also eliminates toxins from the body and regulates intestinal transit.
  • Eggplant is very high in fiber, which helps prevent constipation.
  • Another fact to take into account is that it stimulates the bile and protects our liver.
  • Eggplant contains a lot of magnesium and iron, which puts it first in the fight against anemia, to increase and improve immune defenses as well as heart and muscle function.

How to consume eggplant and lemon to lose weight?

Eggplant water for weight.

The easiest way to lose weight little by little with eggplant and lemon is with their water. It is very easy to prepare, you just have to take notes and decide to do it:

1. What do you need?

  • A medium-sized eggplant. If it is organic, it is even better since it is natural and without pesticides.
  • A medium sized lemon, not overripe.
  • A liter of water.
  • A large glass carafe.

2. How to prepare the mixture?

  • The first thing to do is to wash the eggplant well. For this, use a little apple cider vinegar and a touch of baking soda. In this way, you will eliminate all types of toxic and possible pesticide residues. Finally, rinse it off with water.
  • Then cut the eggplant into slices more or less a centimeter thick (skin included).
  • The next step is to introduce it into the glass carafe, inserting the strips one after the other before adding the liter of water.
  • Then squeeze the juice from the lemon and add it to the mixture. Mix well with a large spoon and put it in the refrigerator.
  • This preparation must spend the night in the fridge, so that the eggplant juice comes out with all its properties. These will be even more powerful thanks to the lemon which will also give a more pleasant taste to the mixture.

3. How to drink this eggplant and lemon preparation to lose weight?

Drink the eggplant water.

This lemon and eggplant water should be drunk throughout the day. Here we will give you the example of a diet day so that you can get an idea:

  • Breakfast: A glass of eggplant water with lemon. A cup of oats and an apple.
  • Lunch: A glass of eggplant water with lemon before eating. A salad of spinach, nuts, low fat cheese and pineapple chunks. Baked chicken breast with a lemon wedge.
  • Snack: A glass of eggplant water with lemon.
  • Dinner: A glass of eggplant lemon water before dinner. Some artichokes boiled with a touch of olive oil and vinegar. A salad of lamb’s lettuce, chopped salad, cherry tomatoes, papaya, nuts seasoned with olive oil and a slice of lemon.

As you can see in this example, it is not necessary to drink the liter of eggplant and lemon water.

If you drink it before meals, it will make you feel full and help you digest and eliminate fat more easily. Your digestion will be better and your body will be purified.

Remember, fad diets do not exist if they are not accompanied by willpower and effort.

Exercises are also strongly recommended, it only takes one hour a day, during which you can go out for a walk, cycle or do simple exercises at home. It’s worth it.

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