Others Are Your Own Mirror, What Are They Trying To Show You?

Have you ever thought about the possibility that this behavior that bothers you so much in those around you is precisely linked to one of your weak points? Did you know that others are like a mirror and that they reflect you?

Maybe you haven’t realized it, but you are still communicating with yourself through others.

Let’s take an example. Is it true that some things about other people bother your friends but you don’t? This happens because they see in others something they have and, to that, they react.

The problem is that we think that what makes us react is not ours, but the fault of the other. First mistake.

If it didn’t belong to us, we wouldn’t care whether the other was a liar, an infidel, or had some other quality that we considered to be hateful.

If others are your mirror, take advantage

Look in the mirror.

We can consider it terrible that others are your mirror. However, it is a great opportunity to see what we need to heal at home.

For example, if you are bothered by people who criticize others a lot, if you cannot stand them, be careful! You may be very hard on yourself, be too demanding, and need to let go.

In other cases, if you are suffering from infidelity or if you have been through several relationships where you have been unfaithful to you, check to see if you are being unfaithful to yourself.

When are you not respecting your values?

As you can see, the mirror does not show you as a person critical of others or unfaithful to your partner, but in the relationship you have with yourself.

In this way, you have to realize an interpretation in which only your experience can help you.

Thanks to others, see what you need to improve.

If you are in a relationship with someone who is very attached to their mother and that bothers you, what is going on in your relationship with your mother? Maybe deep down you want you to be closer?

Don’t blame other people for how you feel

The mirror and the emotions.

We often put our happiness in the hands of others and this is also what we do with other things. For example, we blame others for our nervousness.

However, no one can cause you to react differently than you intended to feel unless that person opens an already existing wound.

For example, if a boss mentions an improvement in your work and you feel very strong rejection, you may be very insecure.

What each mirror tells you is to start putting the spotlight on you, focusing on yourself, and being responsible for yourself.

It is very comfortable to hold others responsible for what happens to us. However, this unfaithful person who bothers us so much and may not directly affect us is telling us something.

One way or another, we are still in a relationship with ourselves. All the good or the bad that we see in the other, we have it in us. If it wasn’t, we wouldn’t see it.

Your relationships tell you what to change

The mirror tells you what to change.

Sometimes we suffer a lot because our friends never call us and we are always the person who should be there. Other times we complain because we always end up with the same type of partner that ends up hurting us.

If you are in pain, if there is something wrong with your relationships, take the opportunity to see inside yourself what you are doing wrong.

As we always focus on others, let’s learn to read them. Don’t believe that what they have nothing to do with us, don’t think that they are selfish or bad people.

Let’s focus on what our relationships with others mean to us. Maybe we are giving too much and not leaving enough space for others to prove that they can do things for your relationship too.

If we always run into the same type of people, maybe we don’t respect or love each other. Maybe we even suffer from some type of addiction.

Now is the time to lift the veil and face reality.

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