Prepare The Skin For A Natural Make-up

To obtain a make-up with a natural final touch, it is important to first use certain products and supplements that protect the skin. Here is more in this article.

To wear natural makeup, it is important to know how to prepare the skin beforehand. This helps conceal imperfections, and leave your complexion smoother and protected before applying cosmetics. How to do ?

You don’t have to be an expert to practice a series of habits that will leave your face looking radiant before makeup. Indeed, it is enough to observe your needs and the most appropriate products in each case. Here are a few tips.

Make-up with a natural look: how to prepare the skin?

To prepare the skin for natural makeup, you don’t need specific products. Although there are currently special foundations and creams,  in reality it is possible to use basic elements of your beauty routine.

It is enough to pay attention to the peculiarities of the face. If it has excess sebum production in places, scaly areas, pimples or large pores, among other imperfections. Also check for allergies or the presence of wrinkles. Then you can prepare your skin as follows.


A woman rinsing her face with water for natural makeup

There is no doubt that proper washing is the first step in achieving makeup with a natural touch. It doesn’t matter if you took your makeup off the night before. Even if we don’t notice it, overnight the skin eliminates toxins and fat through the pores. This results in the need to clean it again.

How to do it ?

  • First of all, choose a product suitable for your skin type (whether it is a soap or a cleansing milk).
  • Then, massage the product all over the face, focusing on the problem areas (blackheads, excessive sebum).
  • Then rinse off with a damp towel or lukewarm water.
  • Finally, pat dry the skin gently with the towel.


The use of exfoliating products should not be excessive because their components could irritate the skin. However,  it is important to use them once or twice a week. Indeed, they help to minimize the presence of imperfections. Their components cleanse the pores deeply and leave the skin smoother.

What to do ?

  • Apply an exfoliating product all over the face by performing small circular and gentle massages.
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse and pat dry.
  • You can, if you wish, use a natural exfoliant. For example, by mixing honey and sugar.

Facial tonic

A woman who cleans her face with a cotton pad before natural makeup

For a fresher complexion and natural makeup, nothing better than to complete the cleansing with the use of a facial tonic. Thanks to its properties,  this product reduces the shiny appearance of excess sebum and enlarged pores. In addition, it tones and reduces flaccidity.

How to do ?

  • First, moisten a cotton ball or tissue with facial tonic. You can replace this product with cucumber or rose water.
  • Then apply it with light massages all over the face.
  • Let it penetrate the skin without rinsing it.

Serum application

Serum application has become popular among those who want makeup with a natural, long-lasting finish. This product, which can be natural or conventional, contains nutrients that adapt to the needs of each skin: expression lines, acne or spots, among others.

What to do ?

  • Take a few drops of the serum and apply it on the problematic areas of the face.
  • Massage for a few seconds until it penetrates as it should.

A moisturizer suitable for natural makeup

To choose a good moisturizer, it is essential to know how to identify our skin type. Indeed, some creams contain more oily compounds than others. Which can be harmful for people with oily skin.

What to do ?

  • First, take a small amount of moisturizer with the fingertips.
  • Then apply it all over the face with a light massage.
  • Avoid applying it to the eye area, as this type of skin is thinner and requires other products.
  • Finally, wait about five minutes before continuing with makeup.

Supplements for natural makeup

The last thing to consider for makeup with a natural finish is these supplements that will allow you to have more even and smoother skin. We refer to products such as primer, bases or correctors. These make it easier to cover imperfections or redness.

In addition, it is essential to apply them with the right technique. Because, if there are lumps, it can be quite unsightly. To facilitate this, it is convenient to use sponges or makeup brushes. These tools also allow the product to blend perfectly.

Finally, you can use other products like:

  • Compact and translucent powders
  • Eye shadows (natural shades)
  • Blush or blush
  • Illuminators
  • Eye shadow, mascara and eyeliner
  • Lipstick or lip stick

If you didn’t apply these tips during your beauty rituals, now you can take them into account! Even if it takes a little longer, you will take care of your skin and give it a more natural complexion.

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