Runner’s Nipple: Causes And Treatment

The runner’s nipple, in addition to pain and bleeding, can lead to infection. That is why it is important to prevent it and to treat it correctly. We will explain everything about it to you.

A runner’s nipple, as the name suggests, is a common injury in people who jog regularly. This is a nipple injury due to continuous friction with clothing during exercise.

Although more common in men, this injury can also occur in women and children. This problem can be very uncomfortable because the nipple is a sensitive area. Also, it can lead to complications, such as infection.

What is the runner’s nipple?

A runner’s nipple is an injury that occurs in this area due to friction against clothing while running. In most cases, it is bilateral and consists of small lesions in both nipples.

This problem usually appears in people who run frequently or do long-distance runs. The nipple, in both men and women, tends to protrude slightly. This is why there is easily friction with the clothes when running, either with the T-shirt or with the bra in the case of women.

One of the most important triggers is the fabric of the clothes. Nylon, for example, is more associated with the appearance of the runner’s nipple. Other aspects, such as temperature, also play a role. If it is cold, the nipple tends to be straighter and friction is easier to obtain.

For women, this injury is more common at certain times of the menstrual cycle. Right before their period, most runners have swollen, tender breasts.

A study published in Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia explains that almost 35% of people who run more than 60 kilometers per week suffer from runner’s nipple. However, among those who ran less than 30 kilometers per week, the incidence was less than 5%.

Long-distance runners are more prone to the characteristic rubbing nipple injury.

What are the symptoms ?

The runner’s nipple, as an article published in Revista Médica de Chile explains , is characterized by the appearance of painful lesions and cracks. As we pointed out at the beginning, they are usually bilateral and can bleed.

This same study specifies that athletes in general are more exposed to certain infections. This is because humidity, sweat and other factors present on these wounds facilitate the proliferation of bacteria.

The injury is similar to irritative dermatitis. At first, redness and discomfort appear in the area. However, if the patient continues to run and the rubbing continues, the skin may erode further, causing injury.

That is why the main symptoms are pain, redness and bleeding. The nipples and the breast itself are more sensitive than usual. In some cases, there may be lichenification of the skin, a process of thickening of the epidermis secondary to continuous friction or scratching.

How to avoid runner’s nipple?

The truth is, runner’s nipple can be avoided. There are very simple steps to achieve this which we explain below. These mainly aim to protect them during the race.

Choose the right fabric

The fabric of the clothes we use for sports, especially for running, is very important. Some materials increase friction or do not allow perspiration.

For example, nylon t-shirts. They are more likely to provoke the runner’s nipple. Ideally, t-shirts should be smooth, with no seams or decorations on the chest that could cause chafing. They should also be breathable and cool.

The bra is important

Most women tend to wear bras when playing sports. Choosing the right sports bra is essential, as this is the fabric that comes into direct contact with the nipple.

It is important that it is a well-fitting bra that offers enough support so that the breasts do not move too much with each step. The fabric, as explained in the previous case, should be breathable and not increase friction.

It should also not have seams in the central chest area. Likewise, the size should be appropriate, ideally the straps of the bra are wide. This is to prevent the breasts from being too compressed.

Avoid long distances

We explained earlier that the runner’s nipple is more common in those who run long distances. It is rare for it to appear in people who run less than 10 kilometers, unless it is the result of a poor choice of fabric.

Therefore, if this injury appears, it is advisable to reduce long journeys until it is healed. If you want to keep this habit, it is important to protect the area properly.

Use lubricants or petroleum jelly

Some products can prevent chafing or prevent damage to the skin of the nipples. For many, applying petroleum jelly to this area works. It is a substance that helps lubricate the skin and protect it.

Talcum powder can also reduce this problem. The talcum powder helps dry out the area, so it makes the irritation less severe. It is a product that is used in many other friction areas, such as the inner thighs.

Protect your nipples while running

In addition to the substances we have explained, there are other ways to protect the nipples while running. Currently, specific breast shields are sold to avoid the runner’s nipple. It is a kind of band that adapts to the anatomical shape.

However, there are homemade methods that can simulate these breast shields. However, they can come off more easily due to sweat or chest hair.

A trail runner.
Mountain running often involves long distances, which favors the appearance of the runner’s nipple.

Runner’s nipple needs to be treated

The bottom line is that if you suffer from runner’s nipple, you need to see a doctor. These cracks and lesions can easily become infected. That is why in many cases it is necessary to use antibiotic creams or disinfectants which must be recommended by a specialist.

In addition, it is essential to properly clean this area. The ideal is to dry the nipple well after washing it and to reapply moisturizers or petroleum jelly. Clothing used for sports should always be clean to reduce the risk of infection.

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