Saline Helps Relieve The Flu In Children

Nasal congestion and fever are the most troublesome symptoms of the flu. This infection, which affects both children and adults, can be treated with physiological saline.

L has flu made its appar ition when temperatures drop It is of an infection caused by the s of the virus’ Influenza. One of the recommendations for relieving influenza in children is to use physiological saline.

We can indeed use it to thin the mucus resulting from the infection or to hydrate the body in general. Physiological serum is therefore an important ally in relieving the symptoms generated by the flu in children and adults.

How does the flu come about?

The flu is a contagious respiratory illness. It is produced e by three types of viruses of influenza. Most influenza epidemics are due to the type A virus. Mild flu is due to the type B and C viruses. The ideal environment for influenza to spread occurs when the temperature is around 5 ° C and the humidity index from 20 to 25%.

The virus is spread through saliva particles expelled when n e Eternu ons , spoke ons or touss ons. These tiny droplets of saliva evaporate and the virus remains in the air, which can easily be breathed in by another person.

physiological serum to fight against influenza in children

Adults can transmit the virus from the first day of infection, even before symptoms develop, and up to 5 to 7 days after the onset of illness. Children can transmit the flu for more than 7 days. Symptoms begin between the first and fourth day after the virus enters the body.

What are the main symptoms of the flu?

  • Fever: it is also common to experience chills
  • Cough and sore throat resulting from irritation
  • The c nasal ongestion, the mucus or the stuffy nose
  • Muscle and body aches: the flu patient may be very tired or weary
  • Headache, produces nasal congestion
  • Some people may also experience vomiting and diarrhea. However, this is more common in children  than in adults.

How does physiological saline help relieve the flu?

Although influenza is a common and mild illness, we often treat it unnecessarily with drugs to thin the mucus, reduce coughing, or antibiotics to fight a fever.

The immune system can beat the flu, but we usually do n’t let it work. A fever of 38 ° C can kill the virus, but we are very afraid that the fever will increase, especially in babies and children. It is best not to let it rise too much, but it is nevertheless advisable to let the body defend itself.

The best we can do is provide natural relief from the symptoms of the flu. The physiological serum is then an excellent ally. We can use it to cleanse mucus-clogged nasal passages or to keep the body hydrated with fever.

How to use physiological serum?

The physiological erum does not present any side effects. It can therefore be used in babies, children and adults. It has many benefits for the management and treatment of nasal congestion, but it can also be used for eye care and cleaning of open wounds on the skin. 

Physiological saline is over the counter or can be prepared at home because it is basically a saline solution containing 9% salt. A  s ERUM physiological prepared at home can however be used to wash your  sinuses We must e n fact not the used first on the eyes  or on open wounds because it does not meet sterility requirements.

To remove mucus in babies and children, it is best to apply the solution with sprays or drippers. To do this, lay the baby or child on their side and apply physiological saline to the nostril. You will then have to turn the baby or child to the other side and apply the physiological serum in the other nostril.

In the case of adults, it is possible to use a syringe but being very careful not to press too hard so as not to injure the nasal mucosa. However, it will always be better to use a dropper or spray.

How to stay hydrated during a fever?

The best treatment for fever resulting from the flu is to stay hydrated. You can just drink water. It is also possible to hydrate with physiological serum over the counter in pharmacies or homemade.

Coconut water is also a saline nature of the It has a mineral concentration that even allows it to be administered intravenously.

physiological serum and coconut water

How to prepare physiological saline to relieve the flu


  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of salt
  • 2 tablespoons (20 grams) brown sugar or honey
  • A pinch of baking soda
  • A liter of filtered or mineral water preferably


  • Boil the water with the grated carrot.
  • Let cool then filter.
  • The container you will use to prepare the serum should be very clean and preferably glass.
  • You add salt, sugar and baking soda.

Final recommendation

The best way to cure a flu is to let the immune system work. Fever is indeed an ally in the fight against disease. I l should also not be given mucolytics, cough suppressants and antibiotics to infants and for children without prescri medical ption .

Sprays or medical drops that thin the nasal mucus may not produce the desired results. They may even have a rebound effect, meaning that the situation worsens after noticeable improvement. They also generate dependency. Against the flu, physiological serum will therefore always be our best ally.

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