Skipping Breakfast Makes You Fat!

According to the Spanish Agency for Consumption, Food Safety and Nutrition, 30% of the population leaves their homes in the morning without having had breakfast, and opt for a coffee at work, rather than a real one. meal.

There is another disturbing data: only 3% of children eat a healthy breakfast.

Most of us, including children, limit themselves to drinking only a glass of milk, and eating only a small industrial pastry. In other words, something sweet and high in fat, which holds us in the moment.

But, these behaviors lead in particular to a progression of obesity in our society.

In addition, there is a misconception that skipping breakfast will lead to weight loss.

We will explain below why it is dangerous to miss the first meal of the day. We are sure it will go a long way in helping you change your bad habits.

Skipping breakfast can make you gain weightbreakfast

Although they may surprise you, here are the main reasons people give for skipping breakfast for their behavior:

  • Lack of time
  • A dinner that was too heavy the night before
  • The will to lose weight

If this sounds like you, discover the consequences that not having breakfast can have on your health:

  • Starting the day on an empty stomach is directly related to a lack of energy, poor intellectual performance, fatigue and a certain bad mood.
    Your brain needs more than 20% of your total energy to function normally.
    If you don’t eat breakfast, you will feel weak and have a headache. You will miss the effect of vitamins to carry out your activities.
  • People who do not eat breakfast suffer from constipation.
  • Not having breakfast leads to what experts call “metabolic syndrome”.
    It is an accumulation of fat, systematically located in the belly area. This is due to the fact that our body, which does not receive food, activates a series of enzymes to draw on its fat reserves.
    Far from losing weight, this mechanism causes lipids and fats stored in different parts of the body to move towards the stomach.
  • Increased triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, and blood glucose are some of the consequences of abdominal obesity. Therefore, these conditions can often lead to serious cardiovascular problems. 
  • According to a study from the School of Public Health at Harvard University, Boston, United States, many men leave their homes without eating breakfast, or simply having a strong coffee to wake up. This practice increases the risk of suffering from a myocardial infarction. 

As you can see, skipping breakfast is really not a good idea.

All you will gain from this practice is therefore a general slowing down of the metabolism, and an increased risk of suffering from many types of serious illnesses.

You can also avoid all this by taking a little more care of yourself and eating a good breakfast !

6 tips for a healthy and slimming breakfast

1. Eat whole grains

Oats, for example, are one of your body’s best allies for breakfast.

Serve this cereal with an apple cut into pieces, and a few grapes. This will give you a delicious and healthy alternative.

Another great ingredient for your first meal of the day is rye bread. If you accompany it with a homemade plum jam, and a good squeezed orange juice, then you will provide your body with everything it needs!

2. Eat protein

Protein is also essential for building muscle mass and therefore avoiding sagging skin.

A healthy breakfast should therefore include a little protein, such as a hard-boiled egg. Accompanied by a little quality olive oil, it will delight your taste buds. You can also make yourself a good spinach omelet.

3. Milk, tea or coffee?

We recommend that you consume vegetable drinks such as almonds, oats, rice or nuts. They do not contain lactose, and also provide you with a lot of energy.

So don’t hesitate to include a cup of coffee, or green tea, to replenish your energy before starting your day.

4. Indispensable fruits

The best fruit is the one you like the most. Whether it’s a green apple, a pear, strawberries, a kiwi, a papaya or a pineapple slice, choose the one you like the most. The important thing is to always choose them fresh.

Do not consume them in the form of industrial juices, and eat them raw, or make homemade juices.

Remember not to systematically remove the skin from the fruit. Indeed, in most cases, it is the one that contains the most nutrients.

5. Say yes to dried fruits!

You can eat 3 nuts per day, or 5 almonds. These dried fruits will indeed bring you a good dose of magnesium, and excellent fatty acids, such as omega 3.

6. Don’t forget the probiotics!

One of the best probiotic foods is plain Greek yogurt with no added sugars.

It actually activates the metabolism. It also provides excellent bacteria which take care of our intestinal flora.

From now on, do not leave your home without a good breakfast!

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