Sometimes Mothers Feel Lonely

Reconciling her role as a mother with her life as a woman is not always easy, especially when we find that we do not fit the model of the ideal mother. Find out here why some mothers sometimes feel lonely. 

Motherhood is a stage that involves great changes. The arrival of a new being in a woman’s life involves a lot of dedication and responsibility. It sometimes happens that these changes overtake new mothers, which is why they sometimes feel lonely.

Successfully reconciling her life as a woman with her role as a mother is not easy. Mothers are sometimes in the grip of doubt, and do not always benefit from a close-knit family network capable of supporting them. In addition, physical and hormonal changes and other transformations that cause stress do not help.

Added to all this are the social pressures concerning motherhood which are almost radically opposed to reality. As a result, it is not uncommon for mothers to feel incomprehension, loneliness and frustration.

The ideal mother model 

The ideal motherhood model encourages feelings of loneliness

In general, the image conveyed about motherhood by advertisements, television programs and films is far removed from reality. On TV we see very smiling mothers in their 31s dancing with their babies.

These new mothers always have a slim figure, are full of energy and change their baby’s diapers with a lot of poetry. Let’s not even talk about breastfeeding. The mothers of the ads are women who seem to have not suffered the ravages of fatigue and pain.

In the society in which we live, the ideal mother is the one who knows how to easily juggle her role as a mother and her life as a woman with ease, as if it were easy to take care of a being who totally depends on her mother. . The general image conveyed is an image of pure happiness, pleasure, and spiritual connection without a shadow on the board.

However, the reality is often quite different, and this is why mothers often feel alone: the gap between the model conveyed by the media and reality is a source of frustration.

Real motherhood 

If you have a child, you already know that idealized media motherhood is practically unreal. This does not mean that motherhood is an experience full of pain and bitterness. It is even the opposite, it is a beautiful experience filled with love and joy.

Motherhood is an exercise in which you have to face opposite feelings that coexist together. The moment of pregnancy is a good example to illustrate this idea: the idea of ​​birthing a child is a source of joy, but nausea and other embarrassments make the experience unpleasant.

A mother should be able to allow herself to express her frustrations and unhappiness, but society pushes them to suppress these kinds of feelings. This is why mothers sometimes feel lonely.

Mothers sometimes feel lonely 

Real motherhood 

A mother can feel lonely for different reasons.

One of these reasons concerns information that does not flow from generation to generation, as if it were secrets. For example, no one tells future mothers that sometimes they will not be able to sleep, and then they will be tired and in a bad mood. Or that they will sometimes feel helpless and guilty.

Likewise, we don’t talk too much about the pain of childbirth, or the time, energy and money involved in raising a child.

In short, the general image of motherhood is that of an independent mother capable of doing everything at the same time. Seeking to maintain the same pace of life as before motherhood, a mother is likely to feel lonely and helpless.

This is why it is essential and precious to live this transition with people we love, who can cheer us up and advise us in the face of any problem.

Seek emotional support

Humans are social beings. We are made to live in community. This is why we must create a network capable of supporting us in difficult times. The maternity is the perfect time to receive such aid.

It is essential to be able to empty your bag and to seek advice from people you trust, in order to release the fear and stress that arise with the responsibilities of motherhood.

There are associations in which mothers meet to share their experiences, express their doubts and fears. The objective of these associations is to avoid the loneliness linked to motherhood, and thus to allow new mothers to create a support network, in order to best fulfill their role.

You are not alone 

Even if you feel lonely, you are not alone. Be aware that your fatigue affects your mood and your physical and mental engagement.

The perfect mother does not exist. Mothers are simply women with their strengths and weaknesses.

The feeling of loneliness is not bad either: it reminds you that you too need to be taken care of at times.

Motherhood is not an easy path, but it is a path that brings a lot of joy.

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