Strengthen Your Veins And Fight Varicose Veins Naturally

The varicose veins are caused by circulatory problems in the legs.

To avoid them, or to reduce their appearance if they have already appeared, you can practice certain exercises and consume more foods rich in omega 3.

Veins are the interior ducts that carry blood from our body. They also take away all the waste that will subsequently be filtered by the liver.

Having elastic and strong veins is essential for good circulatory and heart health.

However, with the passage of the years, they can tend to weaken and harden, giving rise to various health problems.

Indeed, aging is one of the causes of vascular problems.

However, other factors can decrease the health of the veins, such as too much sedentarization, excessive consumption of fats, bad habits, such as smoking or nutrient deficiencies.

Varicose veins

The veins located in the lower part of our body must provide more intense work than those in other areas.

This is because of the effect of gravity, which makes the task of bringing blood from the feet to the heart more difficult.

The lower extremities have to support the body weight, which greatly influences the flow of blood through the veins.

When the veins become weakened and the valves that control circulation give way to extreme pressure, they stop working optimally and the blood begins to have difficulty reaching the heart.

Stagnating in the lower part of the body, the blood causes inflammation of the veins and the formation of nodules, which are known as varicose veins.

Varicose veins are considered primarily a cosmetic problem, as the legs take on a bluish tint due to the inflammation that occurs there.

Small “vascular spiders” then appear which can spread to all the legs, giving them an unsightly appearance.

However, beyond a simple matter of appearance, this problem directly affects health.

The tissues around the veins are affected by the buildup of toxins, and in the long run, this can cause ulcers.

In addition, circulatory problems can lead to serious cardiovascular problems. Better to be very vigilant.

Exercises to prevent and fight varicose veins

Physical activity is one of the best treatments for preventing and combating varicose veins.

Doing exercises involves constant movement of the body, which facilitates blood circulation and helps treat the problem of varicose veins.

Among the most recommended exercises are:

  • Gymnastics
  • Swimming
  • The bike
  • Spinning
  • Yoga
  • Walking

Another great option is to complete a 20-minute exercise routine, which includes a good elevation and leg stretching session. These localized movements are ideal for strengthening the veins.

You can finish by lying on the floor, and lifting your legs alternately, to strengthen them well. Repeat this exercise about twenty times for each leg.


Diet plays a very important role in vascular health. Veins require certain nutrients to strengthen themselves, as well as to maintain all their elasticity.

Do not hesitate to increase your consumption of foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as blue fish or seeds.

You can also include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, not to mention foods high in amino acids, such as brewer’s yeast or soy.

A juice to strengthen the veins and fight varicose veins

This juice will help you strengthen your veins and blood vessels, while purifying your blood to facilitate the elimination of toxins.

Its consumption helps to help you regain good circulatory health and reduce the appearance of varicose veins.


  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 2 red tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 piece of onion
  • A glass and a half of aloe juice (300 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of spirulina seaweed (5 g)

How to prepare it? 

Place all the ingredients in a container, then mix well for a few minutes. Drink this juice every day on an empty stomach.

Home treatment for varicose veins

This home remedy is very easy to prepare and gives excellent results if applied diligently.

You need to buy a kale, and separate the leaves from it. Then, flatten them well using a roller, before applying them to the areas of your legs affected by varicose veins.

Leave this treatment on overnight, or for several hours at a time.

It is very important to keep in mind that treating varicose veins does not give immediate results and requires a profound change in lifestyle.

Improve your diet, exercise regularly, and take into account all of our tips, to reduce this problem.

However, be aware that in the most serious cases, medical intervention may be necessary.

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