Swollen Neck Nodes

The most common is that swollen neck nodes are simply the result of a mild infection. However, in rare cases, they can also arise from more complex and delicate diseases. It is therefore best to go see a doctor.

Swollen neck glands are a relatively common problem. In the majority of cases, they should not be a cause for concern, although in a small percentage they can be the manifestation of serious illnesses.

The most common cause of swollen neck nodes is infection. It should be remembered that all the lymph nodes in the body play a fundamental role in the fight against infections. The inflammation suggests that they are fulfilling this role.

In the majority of cases, the problem of swollen neck nodes simply resolves over time. Warm compresses on the affected area, for example, may help. Either way, the course and treatment of swollen nodes depends on the cause that produced them.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

The lymph nodes in a woman.

The lymph nodes are a collection of glands that are part of the lymphatic system. This corresponds to a network of vessels which are distributed throughout the body. It carries lymph, which is a liquid substance containing white blood cells, proteins, salts and fats.

The lymph nodes are found in different parts of the body such as the neck, armpits, groin, abdomen, and chest. In each of them, there are millions of cells called lymphocytes,  whose function is to destroy foreign substances and filter lymph. In other words, the lymph nodes capture microorganisms that can cause infection.

When the lymph nodes detect an infection, they increase the production of white blood cells. It is these globules that are responsible for attacking the foreign element that affects the body. This increase causes the lymph nodes to enlarge and become swollen.

Swollen neck glands

Swollen neck glands usually tell us about an infection in the throat area. They are, like other lymph nodes, connected to a complex network of lymphatic vessels, and lymphocytes are the body’s first line of defense against infections.

Lymph nodes are distributed in groups in several areas of the body. The main groups of ganglia surround the head and throat. It is found behind and in front of the ears, below the chin, in the scalp and on the collarbones.

Normally  a lymph node swells due to an infectious process that occurs near where it is located. It is estimated that between 60 and 80% of cases of swollen neck nodes correspond to throat infections.

Causes of swollen neck nodes

A little girl with a sore throat.

Inflammation of the glands in the neck normally results from mild infections like the common cold, flu or tonsillitis. Nevertheless, even if the cause seems obvious due to the presence of one of these diseases, it is always best to consult your doctor so that he offers precise indications on the case.

Ear infections are another common cause of swollen neck nodes. In these cases, the swelling lymph nodes are the ones behind the ears in the upper neck area. Here, we should not treat the lymph node but the original infection. Injury or insect bites can also be a cause of inflammation.

There are other situations in which the inflammation obeys more serious causes. Autoimmune diseases, such as  rheumatoid arthritis, HIV positive, or lupus also lead to inflammation of the lymph nodes. This also occurs with serious infections like tuberculosis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, etc.

The most serious cases of inflammation of the lymph nodes occur because of cancer. Lymphoma, or lymphatic cancer, as well as leukemia and other types of cancer that have metastasized in the lymph nodes can cause the lymph nodes to swell.

Other data to take into account

When the lymph nodes swell from an infection and the infection is not treated properly, complications can develop. Sometimes an abscess, which is a localized buildup of pus, can form. In these cases, drainage and / or the use of antibiotics may be necessary.

Any infection can progress and turn into sepsis, which is a very severe infection in the blood stream. This can lead to organ failure and cause death. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

In general,  you should see your doctor when the nodes in the neck are swollen  or when other nodes are swelling in other areas of the body. If they arise for no apparent reason, are very hard, increase in size, or are accompanied by fever and night sweats, consultation is essential.

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