The 7 Best Sources Of Plant-Based Protein

Knowing which foods contain plant-based protein allows people who do not wish to consume animal products to avoid possible deficiencies nutritional. Certain foods of plant origin provide the necessary proteins.

Many people want to know what are the sources of protein of plant origin, as more and more people are turning to the vegan diet, which consists of banning products of animal origin.

Although we cannot deny that the vegan diet is rather strict, it is entirely possible to have a healthy vegan diet. It is therefore essential to know beforehand all the products that can replace products of animal origin.

Proteins are fundamental nutrients for the body’s biological processes. They are part of the tissues and organs involved in digestion, circulation and the formation of muscle mass.

In fact, foods that contain protein are an important source of energy. The consumption of proteins optimizes the sports performance, and prevents the weakening of the body as well as the lack of concentration.

Who Said You Need To Eat Meat To Get The Right Protein Dose? It is true that animal products contain a lot of protein.

However, some products of plant origin are sources of plant protein and therefore cover our protein needs in a similar way. These products are lower in calories and also contain essential amino acids.

They are, moreover, very filling and can help maintain a healthy weight without breaking the rules of the vegan diet.

Want to know what are the best sources of plant protein? Discover 7 options here that you can include in your eating plan.

1. Soybeans and tofu 

Soy contains protein of plant origin

Among the list of foods containing protein of plant origin, soybeans and tofu stand out for their significant protein content.

Each 100 gram serving contains approximately 37 grams of protein, which is of great biological value and very little saturated fat.

Soy-based products, such as tempeh and plant-based steaks, are good options for adopting a healthy vegan diet. These products also provide other important nutrients, such as calcium and iron.

2. Quinoa

Quinoa is, without a shadow of a doubt, the star food of people with a vegan diet. A cup of quinoa provides between 17 and 18 grams of vegetable protein, as well as minerals and carbohydrates.

Consuming quinoa regularly helps lower cholesterol and the risk of diabetes. In addition, thanks to its low calorie intake, it is a perfect slimming ally.

3. The seitan

Seitan, also considered a vegetable meat, is a food made from wheat gluten. It is an important source of vegetable protein: each 100 gram serving contains 20 grams of protein.

Seitan is a healthy, low-calorie food that does not contain excess cholesterol or bad fats. Despite its benefits, it is still preferable to combine it with other cereals, in order to avoid nutritional deficiencies.

4. Legumes

The legumes are important in all food programs. Not only do they contain vegetable proteins, but they also provide iron, zinc, magnesium and other minerals.

Combined with a whole grain, legumes provide the amino acids that the body needs. Moreover, the amount provided by legumes is comparable to that provided by meat and other foods of animal origin. One cup of lentil, for example, provides 18 grams of protein.

Here are some recommended legumes:

  • beans
  • Chickpeas
  • soy

5. Chia seeds

Chia seeds should not be underestimated because of their size. Although it seems unlikely, these little foods are a great source of plant protein, omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, and antioxidants.

These seeds can contain up to 14% protein (4 grams for two scoops), which is why they are ideal in a vegan diet program.

6. Spinach

Spinach is a source of plant-based protein

Those looking for high protein plant foods will be happy to know that spinach contains a significant amount of protein.

This delicious vegetable contains about 5 grams of protein, and moreover, a good content of vitamin A, calcium, iron, and zinc.

7. Nuts

The nuts and other varieties of nuts are among the basic products of the vegan diet .

These are high energy foods: they have a high calorie content and provide nutrients, such as protein and omega-3 fatty acids. A quarter cup contains between 5 and 7 grams of protein.

Walnuts are also a great source of calcium and antioxidants, which help support brain and heart health.

Are you afraid of running out of protein by adopting a vegan diet? As you can see here, many foods of plant origin contain protein.

Make sure to include them in your menus to avoid protein deficiency.

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