The 7 Diet Traps That Keep You From Losing Weight

If we want to lose weight in a healthy way, we must follow a balanced diet and not be fooled by cons truths about diet, which can prevent us from achieving our goals.

It’s no secret that diet plays a major role in weight gain and loss. While there are many other methods of combating excess fat, diet is fundamental to achieving a balanced, healthy and stable weight.

However, with the trend of dieting, a lot of misinformation is circulating about basic dietary rules. They can often prevent us from achieving the results we want if we allow ourselves to be fooled by them.

And it can go further. A number of them expose our bodies to nutritional deficiencies and side effects that can directly affect our physical and emotional health.

It is therefore essential to know the “pitfalls” of slimming diets that prevent you from losing weight in a healthy and lasting way.

Discover them with us without further delay!

1. Base a diet on “light” products

Low-fat foods, commonly referred to as “light”, are those that contain fewer calories and carbohydrates than the products they are supposed to mimic or replace.

Their release is usually accompanied by enticing, but deceptive advertising campaigns. They can indeed imbalance the nutritional intake of our diet and thus prevent us from losing weight.

This is mainly due to the fact that the people who buy them consume them in large quantities. They think in fact that they are perfectly healthy.

Unfortunately, they are often transformed. They therefore contain chemical additives which, in the long term, can cause serious health problems.

2. Opt for a “miracle” diet

The famous miracle diets are based on low nutrient plans. They thus obtain results in a very short time, but to the detriment of good health. They cause, in fact, side effects which can be very serious.

The foods they recommend are also low in calories. They therefore imply a significant decrease in the amounts of nutrients that our body absorbs. The latter can therefore no longer carry out his most basic tasks.

At the same time, while these diets do lead to weight loss, they do not distinguish between fat and muscle mass. The latter is nevertheless necessary to have a strong and healthy body.

Finally, they can cause metabolic alterations, which lead to the famous “yo-yo effect”. The weight they lose is also quickly regained.

3. Believe that all salads are the same

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables while preparing salads is a very healthy habit.

However, a trap that many people fall into is believing that all salads are the same for weight loss.

However, many recipes contain foods high in calories and fat, which can affect the metabolism.

Refined pasta, fatty seasonings, and industrial additives are very bad food choices for someone who wants to lose weight.

4. Eliminate all sources of fat

Foods that contain fat are often the worst enemies when we want to lose weight.

However, eliminating them completely from a eating plan has been shown to cause negative reactions throughout the body, and the metabolism in particular.

Certain types of fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, provide our body with many benefits, especially in the elimination of dangerous fats.

Consuming it, by opting for olive oil, avocado or blue fish for example, increases the body’s energy level, burns fat more quickly and, ultimately , to lose weight.

Plus, good fats nourish cells and help destroy excess bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

5. Consume only carbohydrates

Consuming foods rich in carbohydrates is not a good idea if the goal of the diet is to achieve a healthy and balanced weight.

Although there is no question of removing them from the diet, they should be eaten sensibly, accompanied, if possible, with a source of protein and a source of unsaturated fat.

The reason for this is that carbohydrates, when consumed in excess, imbalance blood sugar levels, slow down metabolism and increase the chances of being overweight.

6. Prepare tasteless dishes

Eating healthy is not synonymous with tasteless, monotonous and unpleasant dishes for our palate.

A balanced diet must make room for all types of nutrients, which can therefore provide the opportunity to prepare interesting and tasty dishes.

We simply have to learn to moderate the portions we serve and to give pride of place to fruits, as well as vegetables, on our plate.

7. Skip breakfastof a diet

This isn’t the first time we’ve tackled this topic: skipping breakfast on a regular basis is one of the worst mistakes you can make if you want to follow a weight loss diet that works. 

The idea that adopting this habit burns calories causes many people to never reach their ideal weight.

Do you recognize yourself in some of these traps? As you can see, when it comes to diet, there are many mistakes we can make that keep us from losing weight.

Try to avoid them as much as possible and go for a simple, healthy and comprehensive eating plan.

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