The Causes And Treatments Of Tinnitus

Have you ever experienced this strange auditory phenomenon that is tinnitus?

When, for example, you are lying quietly in your bed, and you start to hear a buzzing or hissing, or even worse, you hear these annoying noises while you are in the middle of a conversation with someone.

It is important to know that this type of sound can only be heard in your head. Tinnitus, or tinnitus, is not caused by an outside stimulus. According to recent statistics, 9 out of 10 people have already suffered from it.

This curious phenomenon can become, in some people, a persistent problem that will make their life impossible.

According to many experts, the chronic version of this disorder  affects 3% of the population. 

What is this due to? What are the causes of tinnitus? How can we treat them? We will explain everything to you in the rest of this article!

1. What are the causes of tinnitus?

The first thing to know is that tinnitus is not a disease, but simply a symptom of an underlying problem.

If we have all experienced it in our life, it is still interesting to know the means to prevent them, and to prevent them from turning into a very annoying daily problem.

1. Too much stimulation of the auditory nerve due to music

This is a warning that should not be taken lightly. Nowadays, we are used to listening to music at a very high volume, directly in our ears.

When we go out for a walk, or for a run, for example, we put headphones in our ears to give us motivation.

When you take them off, you may feel a little buzzing, something brief, but annoying.

To put it simply, this phenomenon is caused by over-stimulation of the auditory nerve.

This is something momentary, but it can become a chronic problem if this over-stimulation is constant.

2. Vascular abnormalities in the skull and neck

Tinnitus can originate from vibrations in the tissues around the ears, or from a misinterpretation of our auditory system, in which our nerves play a big role.

Some people have small vascular abnormalities in the muscles around their ears and jaw, or even small contractures in the neck. These problems are the cause of tinnitus.

Usually, this phenomenon is temporary, but there are times when the anatomy of our face, as well as the layout of our muscles and nerves, can make this disorder more common.

3. Ménière’s syndrome

Ménière’s syndrome is a problem that affects the inner ear. It causes inflammation that triggers dizziness, fainting, and hearing loss.

When a person suffers from this disorder, it is very common that they also experience terrible tinnitus. It is then necessary to consult a specialist to find a suitable treatment.

Usually, Ménière’s syndrome results in progressive hearing loss, but there are many solutions available nowadays that can achieve good results.

4. Hypertension

Some people suffer from very specific tinnitus. At night, when silence reigns supreme, they begin to hear a very regular pulsation.

They may also hear a hum, a kind of noise similar to that produced by a flowing river. In fact, it’s just their blood pressure.

If this happens to you often, see your doctor. It is a symptom that you cannot ignore. 

5.Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety that occurs over long periods of time (weeks or even months) can lead to many symptoms, including tinnitus.

It is important to know that stress processes generate strong muscle tension, which is usually concentrated in the area of ​​the facial and chewing muscles.

The person then tends to clench their teeth, and have their jaw straight. 

It is therefore not uncommon for people who suffer from bruxism to experience ringing and ringing in the ears.

Treatments for tinnitustinnitus

To properly treat tinnitus,  you first need to know what is causing the problem.

On some occasions, taking vasodilator drugs can treat the problem by promoting blood circulation.

However, you must consult your doctor, who is the only one who can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Also, if your tinnitus is caused by high blood pressure, or hearing problems, the treatment will not be the same.

If you are suffering from stress, and you find that you clench your teeth at night (bruxism), the adequate solution would be to use a dental ferrule.

You also need to think about how to better manage your emotions and control your anxiety.

Nowadays, there are music therapies that help relax muscles and reduce the frequency and intensity of wheezing.

Some people experience immediate relief when listening to “white noise” for example.

Finally, it is important that you know that in order to treat tinnitus, you must eat the correct diet, as this helps you to avoid inflammation, improve your circulation, and provide you with overall balance.

If, in addition, you follow relaxation therapy, you will be able to be more relaxed, and have a better quality of life.

Take note of everything you need to do: 

  • Eliminate red meat, as well as processed or canned foods, from your diet.
  • Stop eating salt and white flour.
  • Don’t drink alcohol or soda.
  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, but also wholemeal bread, dried fruits, etc.
  • Do not eat fried or spicy foods.
  • Make yourself some ginger tea.

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