The Incredible Story Of Mbah Gotho, The Man Who Says He Is 145 Years Old

Even though he is the oldest person ever known, Mbah Gotho does not appear as such because the external registers which would demonstrate his date of birth are missing. They were not invented until the 20th century.

It is said that death has forgotten Mr. Mbah Gotho. It is also said that the official registers are authentic and that this elder is neither more nor less than 145 years old.

It’s hard to believe. Yet, even though we are used to reading the testimonies of people who cross the barrier of the century, we have never known such a case.

There is also a detail that does not go unnoticed: Mr. Gotho does not want to live longer: “’I wait for death very quietly, even if it seems to want to avoid me”.

Many would like to know the secret of his longevity: the response the protagonist gives us is truly magnificent.

We will explain it to you in this article.

The secret of Mr. Mbah Gotho’s longevity

Mbah Gotho was born on December 31, 1870. This is shown by his identity card as well as the official registers of the island of Java where he resides and where he was born 145 years ago.

We would then, without a doubt, be facing the oldest person. So far, the record is held by Jeanne Calment (1875-1997), who died at 122.

Mbah Gotho identity card

Now you may be wondering why Mr. Mbah Gotho is not in the Guinness Book of Records.

The answer is simple:

  • All the official data we have on this gentleman’s date of birth can be found on the island of Java.
  • To enter the Guinness Book of Records, you need a third source of evidence, independent, which it does not have.

The official external registers were not created before the 20th century.

Even though he does not have this “oldest man in the world” accreditation, everyone agrees that his age is genuine.

Mr. Gotho is about to celebrate his 150th birthday. It’s incredible !

Mbah Gotho has left many of his loved ones behind

A long life offers many opportunities. It allows us to learn, correct, repair, and even start over “several lives”.

Mbah Gotho had, according to him, a good life but today he only has sad memories.

  • He buried 4 wives. Said goodbye to all of her children and also all of her siblings, 10 in total.
  • He knows very well that what he is experiencing is not normal. The law of life is that children bury their parents and not the other way around.

Waking up every morning is covering yourself with memories of people who no longer exist. Echoes of the past remind him of his longevity and make him wonder why.

Why does he continue to live when those who have given him so much love have rested in peace for a very long time already?

Mr. Mbah Gotho is resigned and is satisfied with his humble life, surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Mbah Gotho’s secret to longevity

The ingredients of his long life, according to him, are two in number:

  • The first is to have been listened to by people who loved him. Love is the lifeblood and a motive to struggle every day with the hope of continuing to share happy moments with loved ones.
  • The second ingredient has a link with the culture of the island of Java. In these lands, there is a nice proverb that says: “who is patient lives longer”.

And Mbah Gotho teaches us that he has always been a very patient person. He has always focused his life on acceptance, letting things happen at their own pace, watching calmly and without anger.

So much so that his own grandchildren humorously indicate that their grandfather never complains about anything. He accepts whatever they give him to eat and every attention received without asking for anything.

A lucid mind that wishes to leave

The only desire of Mr. Gotho, he has been waiting for more than 2 years: a tombstone and a place to rest when death wants to close his eyes and bring him closer to his family.

  • However, that day has not arrived and the neighbors and friends of the oldest man in the world want to keep him a little closer to their side.
  • It doesn’t matter that he hardly sees any more, or that he can’t do anything on his own. Mbah Gotho is a source of wisdom who tells with a lucid mind facts from a past that no one remembers.

Mr. Mbah Gotho


His people appreciate him because he is a hero, he fought against the invaders, he fought against the Japanese in the war and throughout his life he worked with his hands for the needs of his family.

But, despite the admiration of his family, we all understand his wish. Because life weighs, because the years bring fatigue, old age and above all, farewell to loved ones.

The oldest man in the world only wants to close his eyes because his life has been filled, and like any good warrior, he longs for a well-deserved rest.

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