The Tibetan Elixir Of Eternal Youth And Longevity

We can take this remedy for a month, twice a year. Thanks to its ingredients, we will succeed in preventing diseases, and we have a healthy skin, because it helps to avoid the appearance of wrinkles.

The Tibetan elixir of eternal youth and longevity is the blend of three very healthy ingredients,  which bring great benefits to the body and help to regenerate it to avoid premature aging, as well as other symptoms that affect both internal organs and external physical appearance.

What are the ingredients of the Tibetan elixir?

The elixir of eternal youth and longevity is made up of three very common ingredients, which are lemon, bee honey, and olive oil.

These three allies of our health come together in one and the same recipe, to form a powerful remedy capable of preventing many diseases and the visible signs of aging.

The properties of lemon

Tibetan lemon elixir.

  • Lemon is considered one of the most powerful healing fruits, capable of preventing and fighting a large number of diseases.
    This food, present in abundance in the world,  can clean the body in order to eliminate the toxins it contains. It also has a powerful bactericidal action.
  • It is a great source of vitamin C, one of the keys to strengthen the immune system, and to prevent a large number of respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, congestion, flu, pleurisy, or asthma. , among others.
  • It also contains vitamin P, also known as the capillary permeability vitamin, which tones the capillaries and blood vessels.
  • It is rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. It is also an important source of B complex vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6). 
  • Studies carried out to date confirm that lemon can act effectively against more than 150 diseases.
    This is due to its ability to remove toxins and fight off a large amount of microorganisms, which are able to attack the human body.
  • Being a rich source of antioxidants, lemon can also prevent premature aging of the skin, and stimulate cell regeneration.

The properties of bee honey

Tibetan elixir with bee honey.

  • Honey is considered to be one of the healthiest natural sweeteners around, thanks to its high amount of nutrients and natural properties.
  • Organic bee honey is made up of minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc and selenium, in addition to vitamins A, C and complex B.
  • It has a powerful antibiotic action. Because it can fight rickets, scurvy, anemia, inflammation of the intestines, dropsy, constipation, rheumatism, headaches and dizziness.
  • It acts as a powerful cellular regulator, and as an excellent brain replenisher.
  • Thanks to its antiseptic and antiviral properties, honey is recommended for treating infections and problems such as the flu, sore throat and muscle pain.

The properties of olive oil

Olive oil and Tibetan elixir.

  • Olive oil is one of the best fats you can include in your diet. It is an oil rich in oleic acid which lowers cholesterol and prevents cardiovascular problems.
  • It also has monounsaturated fatty acids which are responsible for improving high blood pressure, thinning the blood circulation and reducing the formation of clots in the blood, among others.
  • Olive oil contains hydrocarbons, sterols, and tocopherols like vitamin E, which are essential for preventing disease. And to stimulate tissue regeneration.
  • It also has polyphenols, carotenes and chlorophyll. As well as other volatile components responsible for preventing disease and giving it its characteristic color.
  • Olive oil is good for digestion. It has an antioxidant action, is anti-inflammatory and improves the absorption of calcium, magnesium and zinc.

How to prepare the Tibetan elixir of eternal youth and longevity?

By using these three ingredients in combination, you will get a powerful elixir. C apable strengthen your immune system, purify the blood, improve your liver healthy and prevent a lot of diseases.

In addition, it will help you maintain healthy and youthful skin by preventing the appearance of signs of aging.


  • 100 ml fresh lemon juice
  • 200 g of honey
  • 50 ml of good quality olive oil

How to proceed ?

Combine all the ingredients in a glass container with a lid and put everything in the refrigerator.

The ideal is to consume a spoonful every morning, on an empty stomach. The consumption of the Tibetan elixir can continue for a month, twice a year.

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