Time Does Not Erase Anything: Put Everything Back In Its Place

It is only with time that we reap the fruits that we have sown. Even though life isn’t always fair, never hesitate to do as your heart tells you.

Time has crafty, ruthless and very powerful fingers. But instead of seeing ourselves as mere puppets of time, we need to know that we are very active agents of it.

There are people who live with the idea that “the past is the past”, and that no matter what happened yesterday, every day represents a new opportunity to change, to create new realities, leaving behind that. that has been achieved.

If it is obvious that this idea is very positive for our personal development, we should not forget something. We are the result of all that has been done, said, seen and done. We are as responsible for it as anybody else.

The past is diluted in our present and is part of who we are.

Time shapes us and places us in our present. This is something we all need to be aware of.

We suggest that you think about this here.

Time “almost always” puts everyone in the place they deserve

This sentence may sound slightly categorical.

If I’m a good person, why do I feel so miserable today? Faced with this question, the answer is simple. Your unhappiness belongs to the present moment and has nothing to do with the past.

You must act and fight for your present well-being.

The weather is changing.

Here we are going to offer you some simple examples to understand a little better.

  • People who treat those around them with contempt or selfishness may experience rejection or lack of trust from those close to them.
  • People who have never dared to step out of their comfort zone today feel frustrated, with the feeling that their life is not at all what they once dreamed of.
  • Who sows resentment, reaps loneliness.

As we can see, these little examples revolve around a central idea: over time, we get the fruits that we have sown.

We’re all we’ve seen and felt, but we can change

Can people change? Personality is a very complex entity. It contains genetics, the environment in which we grew up and our experiences.

  • We cannot change overnight. What we can do is mature. Likewise, we also become aware of certain aspects that we do not like but that must be taken into account in order to improve.
  • We don’t change our personality, what we do is change our attitude. We will improve as soon as we realize what we need.

We are all that has been seen and experienced in the past, but we are also active agents of our realities.

So, it is worth knowing that if the will is there, we can change.

The weather is not fair.

When the weather isn’t fair with us

Being a good person will not guarantee us a wonderful life. It also won’t determine that we have great things happening all the time.

While it is obvious that we have spoken of the idea that “time puts everyone where they deserve”, we should also know that life does not always include the word “fairness”.

  • If I show respect and love to my spouse, he or she will always love me (it doesn’t always happen).
  • Since I have always behaved in a humble manner at work, I will always be answered in the same way (this idea is not always true in reality).
  • Since I educated my child with a lot of love and gave everything to him, he will always respond to me in the same way (many parents know that this does not always happen).

It may seem unfair, but in reality, balance in life does not always include fairness.

What we give, we do not always receive. Being a good person does not guarantee happiness.

Time sometimes doesn’t treat us the way it should. So what can we do in these situations?

Time and injustices.

How to act in the face of daily injustices?

Do not act passively in the face of injustices. If someone in your present treats you inappropriately, don’t blame them, don’t act like a victim. Respond.

  • If you think the weather isn’t treating you the way you deserve, believe in the reality you want. We are not puppets of fate: we are warriors who face various kinds of problems day after day.
  • Understand that being kind-hearted also makes you more sensitive. You care about others, you have greater empathy and emotional openness. All of this will cause others to think that you are selfish at times.
  • Be brave, never give up on being a good person. If you’ve seeded your present with good deeds, don’t let time change you just based on what others are doing or not doing.

Follow your essences, be a worthy person, able to make yourself happy and offer yourself happiness.

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