Vegetable Soup: A Dish That Makes You Lose Weight

Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels. When it drops, it usually causes strong cravings to eat.

Vegetable soup is an ideal dish to lose weight gradually, without going hungry, and consuming all the nutrients your body needs, so that you do not have any deficiency.

In this article, we present to you some suggestions of dishes specially designed to help you lose weight, thanks to the properties of their ingredients.

Squash and cinnamon soup

This exquisite vegetable soup, resulting from the surprising combination of its ingredients, is an excellent dish to surprise your guests.

The squash has all the qualities necessary for all types of diet. It is very nourishing, thanks to its water and fiber content, but it has few calories.

It is also purifying and diuretic, It helps us to eliminate toxins and excess fluids that the body can accumulate. On the other hand, its consistent texture allows for a very creamy and dense recipe. It is as if you have added potatoes.

Cinnamon is not only the spice that gives its originality to the creamy soup, it also increases its properties because it regulates the level of sugar in the blood which, if it is unbalanced, produces the feeling of hunger.

We recommend using Ceylon cinnamon, the most therapeutic and aromatic.

Vegetable, squash and cinnamon soup

Zucchini and wakame soup

This vegetable soup is a sweet and very digestive recipe, ideal for dinner.

Zucchini provides only 17 calories per 100 grams. Which makes it a favorite part of our daily diet. It boosts the metabolism and contributes to the elimination of fat accumulated in our body. 

Some people, when making zucchini soup, add cheese to make it creamier, while zucchini has a lot of water.

In this recipe, we offer a lighter version where the cheese is replaced by wakame. , It is a Japanese seaweed that has slimming and diuretic properties, in addition to its texture and its creamy flavor.

The seaweed is added during cooking and is mixed with the zucchini in the end.

Leek and ginger soup

Leek soup is a delicious dish, thanks to the characteristic flavor of this vegetable. But also very healthy thanks to its water, fiber and potassium content. A mineral that helps us fight water retention and compensate for excess salt.

In addition, leek is one of the vegetables with the fewest carbohydrates, which is ideal for consuming it in the evening.

The touch that ginger brings, in addition to enhancing the flavor of the dish, helps us to consume a much more therapeutic soup. Because it  helps us eliminate fat and boost our metabolism, thus making us lose more energy.

Ginger can be added fresh or powdered during cooking.

Cream of peas and cayenne pepper

The pea is a very digestive dry vegetable which provides us with proteins. This helps us maintain our muscle mass and lose weight, especially around the waistline.

In addition, the pea helps you regulate your blood sugar level. And it contains a lot of fiber, which makes the soup very nourishing and allows you to drink it at any time of the day.

Cayenne pepper, on the other hand, adds flavor to this dish. It also helps you boost your metabolism and digest fat better. Add a little cayenne pepper, especially the first few times, to accustom your body to its tangy flavor.

This vegetable velouté is ideal for cold days or for those who are chilly.

Vegetable soup, peas and cayenne pepper

Vegetable soup with mushrooms and oats

When it’s mushroom season, and you have the opportunity to find some, take the opportunity to make this delicious velouté. Mushrooms have a high protein content and are very healthy. 

Oats are a very nutritious food, but they also contain a lot of fiber. We recommend it when you suffer from constipation or digestive problems.

Instead, eat this vegetable soup during the day, because it is a little too rich for the evening. You can season it with a little paprika.

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