What Is Anxiety And How Can It Be Overcome?

Have you ever suffered from anxiety ? Many people would say yes, but still cannot explain exactly what it is. And without knowing, it is even more difficult to find a solution.

Natural remedies, relaxing plants, emotional therapies, physical exercises, nutritional supplements…
There are many good tips for reducing anxiety.

In this article, we’ll explain exactly what anxiety is, and the only way we can eliminate it on a daily basis, in order to improve our physical and emotional health in the most natural and effective way.

She is not your enemy

In general, when we are suffering from any health problem, both physical and emotional, we tend to react as if we are in front of an enemy.

However, many specialists in natural medicine have explained to us that our body always has an instinct for survival, and above all, it is obliged to challenge us about our bad habits, which lead to diseases. 

For example, if we have a fever, we need to understand that our bodies raise our body temperature in order to fight off harmful germs that make us sick.

If we have headaches, we are probably exerting too much mental strain or we have a saturation of toxins in our body.

Likewise, anxiety arises so that we can understand something about ourselves. 


She is a messenger

Anxiety has appeared in your life to tell you something that you are denying, something that you don’t want to listen to or accept, but yet you already know.
Does that mean anything to you? 

  • I don’t really enjoy what I’m doing
  • I feel overloaded, I work beyond my possibilities
  • There is something that keeps me from being happy
  • I am not doing what I want
  • What my family or friends think of me matters too much to me
  • I find it difficult to assume my commitments or responsibilities
  • I want to make a big change but I don’t dare
  • I feel like I’m not in control of my life

People who suffer from too much anxiety tend to have these kinds of feelings but the majority don’t realize it, or maybe sometimes but without paying attention.

So what is it ?

We can say that anxiety is a self-defense mechanism, an intelligent way in which we talk to ourselves, we force ourselves to listen to ourselves.

If we are suffering from anxiety, we need to know that there is something we need to change. A real change linked to our surroundings, our way of life or the people around us.

Until we change this, we will not be able to eliminate anxiety from our lives, even if we treat ourselves with conventional or natural treatments.

Fear of anxiety

One of the biggest problems people have with anxiety is that they are afraid of it. When they feel that this is happening, they get nervous and it makes them even more anxious.

When we realize this detail and are able to maintain the serenity, we will find that we have gained a lot of ground.

Maybe we feel shaking, cold sweats, our hearts quicken, we stutter, we have trouble breathing, our eyesight becomes cloudy, and we feel nauseous.

What to do in these times of crisis? You have to sit down, breathe deeply and not give the problem more importance than it is. When we are calmer, it is time to reflect on the causes that have provoked this crisis.


Warning signs

Our body sends us signals before we experience anxiety for the first time. If we learn to detect them, we will also be able to prevent future anxiety: 

  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Tendency to suffer from recurrent illnesses
  • Impatience and loss of control

If you are suffering from these symptoms or are starting to notice anxiety in yourself, we recommend that you start thinking about some changes in your life.

In this way, you can eliminate it in a natural way, improve your quality of life and prevent other more serious diseases. 

If we learn to observe our bodies and listen to ourselves, our bodies will no longer need to warn us repeatedly. There is no medicine more natural and effective than putting this advice into practice.

Images of Alessandra, massimo ankor and respository

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