What Is Compulsive Shopping Hiding?

Compulsive shopping affects people who are trying to fill an internal gap by spending money and buying clothes and items that they don’t really need. The problem is that this inner void never goes away.

Compulsive shopping is made by people who buy things they don’t need and are unlikely to use.

In this way, they accumulate various items at home that they leave out, since the satisfaction comes from the moment they made the purchase, and not from the actual use of what was purchased.

We may think that people who buy compulsively are immature and do not know how to manage their money well.

However, the truth is that this act, which we often take a dim view, can hide a lot of suffering.

The Hidden Suffering of Compulsive Shopperscompulsive shopping

People who buy compulsively do so to distract themselves and fill their lives, which they find empty, or to escape a situation in which they feel trapped.

  • It is an act that they perform automatically, without really thinking, which cause feelings of guilt retrospectively .

Because, yes, compulsive shoppers know full well that buying this way won’t solve anything.

  • Many of them are even aware of their actions when they see a lot of unnecessary things around them and little money in their pockets.

Sometimes this will be a step that will pass and be forgotten. However, in other cases, this situation will continue over time and camouflage suffering that is not resolved.

What Should Compulsive Shoppers Do? If they cannot or do not want to seek professional help, they should analyze themselves from the inside.

Find out what prompted them to adopt this attitude and resolve it. The big problem is that looking at what hurts hurts a lot.

Therefore, these people always try to escape this, and in these cases, through shopping.

Are you a compulsive shopper?

You might wonder if you’ve ever been a compulsive shopper or if someone around you has suffered from this impulsive disorder.

If so, here are some characteristics that define who can be considered compulsive shoppers.

1. Unnecessary purchases

As we mentioned before, these people usually buy a lot of things that they don’t really need. Therefore, it is normal that they leave them out and never use them.

The consumer society in which we live, with its advertisements, pushes us to want what we don’t really need and causes compulsive shopping from influenced people who seem doomed to buy more easily.

2. Spend it becomes a ruin

Just like with gambling addiction, people affected by compulsive shopping start spending their money until they get into debt.

In addition, the fact that they have a credit card exacerbates this risk. They can get into debt with the bank and later not be able to meet their debts.

3. Sales are an incentivecompulsive shopping

Just as advertisements promote compulsive shopping, sales are also a danger, as we usually spend too much money.

These supposed sales or discounts are not that real, because in total, the purchases of all these clothes, accessories and other items will increase the final price and make us spend more than we originally thought.

People who shop compulsively, contrary to what they might suggest, have very low self-esteem. Sometimes they can even suffer from depression.

Therefore, it is very important not to ignore the signs that may call out to us about this disorder which almost looks like self-destructive behavior.

Compulsive shoppers enjoy shopping, but at the expense of their self-esteem. These people know what they’ve done, that their account balances have gone down. However, it is impulsive behavior that cannot be avoided.

These acts attempt to cover up a very deep pain that must be dealt with head on. Even if it hurts, or requires effort, it is necessary to break this dependence.

Whatever causes us pain will still be there even if we close our eyes so as not to see it.

If nothing is satisfying about what you are doing, if you experience constant apathy and overnight your problems start to turn into physical pain, it is possible that you are suffering from depression.

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