What Is The Influence Of The Moon On Our Life?

Did you know that we have more trouble falling asleep and that we sleep less on the days before the full moon? During these few days, the brain activity linked to deep sleep decreases by 30%.

Did you know that the cycles of the Moon visibly change our personality, our state of mind, and our mood? It is said that the natural satellite of the Earth influences us from childhood, not only on the physical side, but also on the emotional side. Read on to learn more about the influence of the Moon.

The Moon is more than the only natural satellite on our planet. It is also a great mystery for various reasons. She revolves around us  each night,   as if nothing had happened, always showing the same face. The tides, for example, are punctuated by this star, just like our desires, our instincts, and our moods.

It also exerts a great influence on the psyche, nature and development of plants. The influence of the Moon is present throughout our existence. It is therefore important to know more about it to be able to enjoy its benefits.

A study conducted by the University of Basel, Switzerland, has shown that the Moon has a great influence on the perception of sleep. Because it can be subjective or objective depending on the lunar cycle.

This is why, on Full Moon days, brain activity related to deep sleep decreases by 30%. We have more trouble falling asleep, and we sleep less.

Different changes depending on the lunar cycle

influence of the moon depending on the cycle

Depending on its position, the influence of the Moon can manifest itself in different ways:

The New Moon

The new moon appears when this satellite is in conjunction with the sun, and begins a new cycle. They say this is the perfect time to initiate new projects. Or to make good resolutions like quitting smoking, fasting, starting a diet, quitting alcohol, etc.

Psychologically, the mind has more control. We are more serene to cope with deficiencies due to changes in habits, and to eliminate excess more easily.

The new moon is a good time to meditate, to detoxify the body, to prune diseased trees or plants, to cut hair if you want it to grow back faster. It is therefore better to avoid waxing during the new moon, because the hairs will also grow back faster.

It is also the perfect time to explore the hidden recesses of consciousness. This cycle lasts between 2 and 3 days.

Ascending ascending

When the moon is ascending, the body “absorbs” everything much faster and in greater quantity. During this phase, the body assimilates any substance or event differently.

That’s why now is the perfect time to start a vitamin-rich diet. But be careful, this cycle is also conducive to weight gain, unless that is your goal.

The ascending crescent is an ideal time to recover from certain deficiencies. Although it is true that if we consume something in large amounts, the body will resist a bit before it returns to normal. 

During these few days, you should avoid drinking too much alcohol. Because its effects are all the more harmful.

If you want your hair and nails to grow faster, you should take the opportunity to cut them. During the ascending crescent, the dermis is more receptive, which is why your ointments, gels or creams regenerate the skin better. However, detoxification is more difficult.

This phase usually lasts 13 days during which it is recommended to practice activities that revitalize and strengthen the body.

Regarding economic life, it is said that this is the ideal time to apply for a loan, look for a job, sell or invest, sign contracts, create new links or associations. However, fruit trees should not be pruned during this period.

influence of the moon on our life: ascending crescent

Full moon

This phase occurs when the moon is facing the sun, and reflects its light. During this period, body tissues are under great pressure, and feelings may weaken. This means that the instinctive side of the human being “awakens”.

The influence of the Moon is maximum, which is why men change into werewolves, according to popular legend.

In addition, the body retains more fluids, and tends to swell more easily. We also have to be careful about what we eat or drink. The sensations, the emotions, and the feelings are “on edge”. Certain psychosomatic or sleep disorders therefore take advantage of this to make their appearance.

We suffer from more insomnia, we have more nightmares or more colorful, real and intense dreams.

During this cycle, it is not recommended to undertake a diet to lose weight. You should also be particularly vigilant about the side effects of drugs. Prevent headaches, which can be intense, maintain a sense of humor, don’t take things too seriously, and avoid big discussions.

This phase only lasts a few hours. But the influence of the Moon is really visible. For example, wounds bleed more, as does menstruation in women, and surgeries can be more dangerous. In addition, people tend to be more aggressive.

Beliefs say that anything done 6 hours before and after is a success. The number of childbirths is increasing, as is the number of nervous diseases. Those with fine hair should take advantage of this cycle to cut it.

influence of the moon on our life!  waning moon

Waning moon

The body “frees itself” of everything that weighs on it, so this is the ideal cycle to spend all the energy accumulated during previous cycles.

The body eliminates fats, fluids, and toxins better. So now is the perfect time to start a detox or cleanse. You will also see that the irritation and swelling tend to go away.

It is advisable to practice activities which require effort and endurance, to drink water to eliminate all that is harmful to the body, to start diets, to cut nails and hair, to extract warts, remove spots and scars. Dental treatments and surgeries are also more successful.

In addition, this is the ideal time to plant or prune fruit trees, sow vegetables and tubers. On a sentimental level, now is a good time to end a relationship.

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